Charles Spencer In California To Visit Prince Harry And Meghan Amid Royal Racist Row

Prince Harry might not have the love and support of his own brother, but it looks like he’s getting the love and support of another brother instead – Princess Diana’s.

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There’s a new report that says Charles Spencer has visited Harry, his wife Meghan Markle and their two children in California. 

Charles Spencer In California To Visit Harry And Meghan Amid Royal Racist Row

Charles noted on his Twitter account that he was in California in early November. There was even a tweet from a royal fan that said, So rumors are running that a certain uncle visited his favorite niece and nephew in the US and their children, his darlings sister grandchildren. Yup.”

While Prince Harry might not be on speaking terms with his father, King Charles, or his brother, Prince William, at least he has the love and support from his uncle, Charles Spencer, during this very difficult time in his life right now.

Omid Scobie’s new book, Endgame, reignited all the rumors and reports suggesting a few members of the royal family were racist towards Meghan and her unborn child when they inquired about the color of the child’s skin.

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A translation error in the Dutch version of Endgame supposedly called out the two members who had shown ‘concerns’ about the baby’s skin color.

Princess Diana’s Family Has Prince Harry’s Back

Many royal fans and critics alike have commented on Charles Spencer’s California trip with, If true that is so sweet and I love the fact that no one found out.

The Spencers are very close to Harry and Meghan,” along with, “Diane’s family will always choose Meghan Harry Lilli Archie over those jerks. People act like Harry didn’t have it in his blood to defy the royal family then his uncle get up there and blast everybody to hell and back at Diana’s funeral.”

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Another fan wrote, “I know if Diana were still alive, she would be fully in Harry and Meghan’s corner. But of course the British media is going to protect the royals at all costs. Shameful.”

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. 

Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals, We’ve got you covered.

King CharlesMeghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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  • George L. Fonseca

    At the end of the day, Harry is still Royal Blood!!!
    Keep your family save and always stand tall.

  • Pam

    I say yaye to Harry for taking a stand. It also seems time to dismantle the Royal reign.
    It’s unfazed for the Royal family to have access to billions, earned from the sweat of the commonwealth. A bit outdated.

  • Phoebe michaels

    Of course. Just another pathetic and useless whiner patting the others on the back. Charles Spencer is only doing it to p!ss off the BRF because they dismissed him as worthless as they should. He is a nothing.

  • Rene

    I’m simply delighted for them. After the dabloid kkk radio host called Archie an abomination and should be put down no one said a word on thier behalf but those two men are serving 16 years between them for terrorist attacks so atleast. The paper had an article calling Archie once again under attack calling him a chimpanzee didn’t hear a peep out of the royals.just interesting to know why anyone would want to be around anyone who targets your children??

  • Brenda

    Harry doesn’t need a tell all book to describe the monarchy. They speak for themselves. A true family would want to help one another. They would want to resolve any issues that made one feel bad or feel hurt. A parent loves their child regardless of what they’ve done. Nothing can ever make you not love your child and you always want them to feel protected, loved, and happy. A parent never sides with one child over the other. You just don’t play that game. I think Prince William acts like a spoiled brat and King Charles doesn’t want to upset him. Where is the reasoning in that!

    • Jobart

      Where is the reasoning in trashing your whole family to the world for monetary gain?
      Harry was fine with his family and the privileges it gave him his whole life til Megan came along.

  • Kristen

    Anyone who is a racist misogynist support HnM.

    • Cecelia

      Anyone that makes a statement like you did is definitely a racist misogynist



  • Gail

    The fact that William chooses not to stand by his brother is awful! Diana is probably rolling in her grave! It’s sad William turned our to be a Jerk just like his immoral father! While I’m sure Harry is hurting, he’s better off without that toxic family! Shame on them all! If they were decent people they would’ve closed ranks and supported Harry regardless! Guess that precious royal blood of theirs isn’t so precious! Glad the real Princesses family is standing by him. Be careful Kate, William is his fathers son! He might have a “Camilla” of his own!

  • Kikolena

    Royals are in UK and Harry and Meghan are in USA. There are no titles of royalty in US so they better accept their new chosen life and stop point the figure in the Royals of UK. As far as racism there is no racism in Europe as is in USA. Question the color of the baby is not a racism is just a curiosity and guessing. We all question the color of the eyes of the baby if one parent has blue eyes and the other black. Do not consider it racism to black eyes or blue eyes.

    • Cecelia

      All the racist mess going on in Europe almost on a daily basis! You must be living under a rock. Skinheads, etc.

  • Naheed

    I think brtish media is just siding with royals as sycophants, of royal,why can’t they leave harry alone with his family

    • Jobart

      The royals are leaving Harry and his family alone.
      They choose to move on with their lives.
      They refuse to wallow in the deceit of Harry and Megs.

  • Ilene

    You stap loved ones in the back you deserve not to be part of their lives. Trust isn’t build on having to watch your back in the presence of family . Meghan has destroyed her blood family then went after the royals It has nothing to do with race, breeding, education . To fit in one must thinks of others something she is incapable of doing .