Critics Slam Meghan Markle For Acting Like A Victim Again

All she wants to do is tell her side of the story, but it seems like some people just aren’t buying it.  Meghan Markle has once again been slammed by her critics for apparently pulling out the victim card once again during her latest interview with CBS Sunday Morning.

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Royal Family News – Critics Slam Meghan Markle For Acting Like A Victim Again

The Duchess of Sussex claims that one of the reasons why she and Prince Harry have started The Parents Network is to help out other parents who have children that have been bullied or harassed online.

Meghan says that she herself has been a victim of online bullying and that she was als bullied by the press, which is one of the many reasons why she doesn’t even have her own social media account.

Speaking about her new initiative and how she wants to shield her children from the harms of social media, Meghan said, “All you want to do as parents is protect them. So, as we can see what’s happening in the online space, we know that there’s a lot of work to be done there and we’re just happy to be able to be a part of change for good.

Royal Family News – Is Meghan Markle Going Too Far Again?

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Yet, one therapist by the name of Gin Lalli says that Meghan just keeps painting herself as a victim in every situation that she’s in.

Lalli said, “It’s an interesting dynamic, which could be interpreted as a continuation of her portrayal as a victim in the public eye.”

“This approach could be seen as an attempt to garner public sympathy by highlighting her own adversities. This is typical victimhood. It can take the focus away from the bigger picture.”

She continued, “A victim’s narrative tends to spotlight their individual struggles, reinforcing a perception of perpetual victimhood,”

“This might be perceived as a strategic move to draw emotional support and reinforce a public image as someone who has endured significant personal challenges. This is fair enough, but it becomes tiring in the public’s eyes.”

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Meghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsPrince HarryPrince Harry newsRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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  • Deborah

    Megan’s version of any situation is just a victimized version thats in her mind. She’s delusional..

  • Giovina

    It’s all about her what a life she sought and received stealing Harry’s life and the family connections with her children she will never divorce because if $$$$$s and titles
    A complete narcissist jealous immature liar disgusting disrespectful hurtful spiteful grifter she owes her life yes life to the royals who she hates because they wouldn’t make her number one and equal to Catherine. What a nasty person who has ruined her children’s life too

  • Thompson

    I agree with most ppls arguments surrounding Meagan Markel. She never has been for anyone else but for Meagan Markel. Harry no longer has his lifetime friends nor any military title that he may or may not have been entitled to. Such as the Tillmans award. Tillman mother is very dissatisfied with harry receiving this honor and has publicly stated as much. He has no life to return to bc of Meagan’s insecurities. Her first marriage was to boost her career. Harry was another to boost her career. Everything both have done thus far has been incredibly hurtful to the Royal family and anyone else who disagrees with their poor me attitudes. Both need to grow up & realize, not everything is about them. Unfortunately, they still haven’t learned anything other than poor me. This is in no way, helping harry return to his family fold. Meagan has obliterated Harry’s life and it’s obvious, he hasn’t the spine to shut her down or she threatens suicide to get her own way. So she’s mixed race but apparently she stays closer to the white side . She can’t even be true with herself. It’s obvious she will never stay in the sun to long or she might even start looking like the the race she’s claiming to be, black. As of now, she’s still looking pretty white. She won’t let her hair go natural either. Honestly, harry having no balls & Meagan thinking she has some, deserve every critique or criticism they’ve received. Poor, poor, harry & Meagan. Every one is just being mean to them. Now she wants to take part in Harris for the presidential campaign. Neither one of them would be good for any country especially the USA. Two of the worst ppl to hold the highest office in America, no thx. I could go on and on but who couldn’t, she makes herself a target. Don’t the Monarchy have all rights to Harry’s children? I believe I heard or read what Queen Elizabeth made known. Is this one of the reasons for Meagan not going to the UK? This would be the trump card for the monarchy. Taking the children bc after all they are of Royal blood. Until harry grows a pair, he’s going to continue being lead around by his wife.