Did Princess Diana Predict Prince Harry’s Remarkable Ability To Fritter Away His Resources?

Did Princess Diana once have a premonition about her son, Prince Harry? She died before he reached his teen years, but she is said to have said something about him that now sounds eerily spot on.

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According to Ingrid Seward, the editor-in-chief of Majesty magazine, Diana once made a very insightful comment to her about her youngest child

In 2019 Seward told the Daily Mail that Diana told her she was concerned about Harry because he lacked focus and, “flips from one thing to another.”

She went on to say that at the time Diana’s concern was for Harry’s education, but there are parallels between what she said and Harry’s present situation.

Was Diana Worried About Harry’s Lack Of Attention And Concentration?

Seward noted that during their boyhood, William was more academic than Harry, and although he wasn’t exactly sailing through his classes at Eton he had made many friendships there.

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She added that Diana told her, “Harry would go to Eton, otherwise he’d be singled out as being the one who wasn’t so bright, and she worried about his lack of concentration. Harry’s full of energy but he flips from one thing to another and then loses interest.”

What Did Diana Say About Her Youngest Son That May Have Been A Premonition To His Current Situation?

One can apply this description to Harry and his wife Meghan Markle’s recent actions. The list of projects they have abandoned before letting the paint dry is significant and growing.

For starters, they decided they did not like the cottage renovations they ordered at what was to have been their newlywed home.

Then they decided they no longer wanted to be royals and left the country and his family behind for a life in Canada. That didn’t last long.

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Next, they uprooted to move to California where they are now living in generous Tyler Perry’s house.

The List Of Abandonment Perpetuated By Meghan Keeps Growing

They made a lot of noise about starting a charitable organization but when they finally got around to it, it too was quickly abandoned. No sooner had they announced to the world that Archewell, their new charity, was ready to change the world then they announced that they were putting it in mothballs.

Still, all is not lost for Meghan as there is one thing they do excel at: Their track record of bandwagon hopping is quite impressive.

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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