Drama, Drama, Drama – Royal Insiders Go Absolute Bonkers Over Harry And Meghan In L.A.

Why is everything all catastrophe all the time when it comes to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s lives? Tabloid article after tabloid article in the U.K. breathlessly gasp inane headlines and then point the finger. There is no way that Prince Harry and Meghan can survive in Los Angeles! The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are doomed!

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According to some reports, Prince William has even bought into the hysteria. Apparently, Prince William called Harry up and told him in no uncertain terms that he and Meghan needed to pack their belongings and find a safer place to call home. In fact, never mind that … Meghan and Harry ought to just go ahead and move straight back to the U.K.!

Perhaps if Meghan and Harry moved back William would be able to talk his grandmother, the Queen of England into reinstating Prince Harry and Meghan into their former, senior Royal positions. Heck, William might even be able to talk over his father Prince Charles who has vocally called for reducing the number of working Royals. Surely, Prince Charles can’t have meant his own son and his son’s wife, can he?

Regardless of all that speculation, it doesn’t seem that either Prince Harry or Meghan Markle have any real desire to pick up and move again. At least, Meghan and Harry don’t seem like they want to do so any time soon. After all, they just got to Los Angeles. While there are definite security concerns (which Harry and Meghan seem to be addressing), the truth is … they’re free of Buckingham Palace’s control.

Fans might agree that Meghan is free to go back to acting if she so desires. In fact, there is a multitude of reports that indicate that’s exactly what Meghan wishes to do. It might not be now, it might not even be within the next year or two … but Meghan’s absolutely been putting out the feelers for her next acting gig.

It’s not all horror stories for Meghan, Harry, and Archie in America. Meghan has the opportunity to recapture the magic she once created on screen. She’s been seen having meetings with directors, producers, and agents even before she and Prince Harry made the move from the U.K to Canada! Now that she’s in Los Angeles does anyone truly believe she’s going to sit back and just be a housewife? (Not that there is anything wrong with it if Meghan did want that.)

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The bottom line is that hysteria that some seem to project onto Harry and Meghan’s lives is misplaced. That, or it’s designed to construct a frame around Harry and Meghan’s lives that will suck money from the pockets of those who wish to see through that frame.

The truth is, Meghan and Prince Harry’s lives aren’t that much different from any other mega-celebrity’s. There will always be security concerns surrounding their lifestyle, and whether in the U.K. or the U.S.A., neither Meghan nor Harry can predict what the social landscape might look like over the course of the next few years.

Fans might agree then that publications need to chill out and let the Duke and Duchess of Sussex live their lives and risk the dangers of the unknown just like the rest of us.’

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Meghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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