Prince Harry And Meghan Get Serious About Security: Hire Ex-Presidential Security Expert

Harry And Meghan When it was reported that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were serious about upping their level of security, they weren’t kidding. According to multiple sources, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have hired one of the most prestigious firms in America to provide security for their little family. In fact, the firm Prince Harry and Meghan hired is self-described as “the nation’s leading expert on the protection of public figures.” That firm is GDBA and their boast isn’t a lot of hot air.

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Meghan and Harry obviously did their homework since just some of GDBA’s clients include a lot of three-letter agencies in the U.S. including the CIA, the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Defense Intelligence Agency, the United States Capitol Police, and the Supreme Court of the United States!

To top it off, the firm’s founder, Gavin de Becker, used to be President Ronald Reagan’s security chief!

With that said, everyone knows that GDBA’s cost doesn’t run cheap. Many believe that the firm will be charging Harry and Meghan upwards of seven thousand dollars per day. Added to the expense of a major home in Malibu (where Harry and Meghan have been seen house hunting), many now wonder just how the couple is going to end up paying for it all.

This is a serious question that Meghan and Harry will no doubt answer in due time. However, until they do many fans speculate that they’ll have to call in favors from royal family members in order to cover the expense. That’s because Harry has yet to find a job. In fact, even if Harry does find work, it’s not likely to be incredibly lucrative unless it’s in the entertainment industry.

For example, if Harry is able to found a production company that focuses on things he knows about … such as wildlife conservation … Prince Harry might be able to bring in a tidy sum as an entertainment entrepreneur and producer.

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Still, Harry will likely need a lot of help from Meghan in that regard. Harry will need introductions to the right people. It’s a certainty that Harry is like a fish out of water in Hollywood. While Harry obviously is able to hob knob with the upper crust and knows what it’s like to run with the rich and famous, he personally doesn’t have the skills or experience necessary to make any kind of power move on his own.

That may leave Meghan holding the purse strings when it comes to coming up with the financial means to support their security needs (not to mention the cost of a new home in Malibu if that’s where they end up settling). At the moment, this may not be a worry since Harry and Meghan are reported to be staying at the home of Meghan’s friend and movie star, Tyler Perry. Whether they are paying rent to Mr. Perry is a question that remains.

The bottom line is that whoever pays for Harry and Meghan’s security, the two must feel a sense of relief. Fans know that recently paparazzi have flown a drone over Mr. Tyler’s property in the hopes of catching photos of Harry, Meghan, and little baby Archie. While that kind of activity is illegal in California, there is little that police can do unless the perpetrators are caught in the act. Having excellent security may mitigate some of those issues for Harry and Meghan. And, if nothing else, it may make Harry and Meghan simply feel safer.

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Meghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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  • Guest

    Hopefully they’ll stop complaining now.