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Hollywood Sick Of Prince Harry & Meghan “Side Show” Dropping Them Like Flies

Hollywood Sick Of Meghan & Prince Harry “Side Show” Dropping Them Like FliesBritish royal family news reveals that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have not been seen with any A-listers in quite a while.

Where have all their high-vis friends gone? To be fair they were rubbing elbows with a Nigerian fugitive recently, staying in the country at his request.

But that type of friend can cause more trouble than benefits and weeks later it looks like the whole of Nigeria has been Markled.

According to one royal insider, there is a worrying trend when it comes to being in close contact with the Duke and Duchess of Excess.

Royal Family News – Where Are Harry & Meghan’s Friends?

While he was a royal employee, the late Princess Diana’s former butler, Paul Burrell, got an eyeful of Harry. He’s kept up with Harry and his wife Meghan and reports that the gruesome twosome are bleeding friendships worse than a hemophiliac with a paper cut.

Burrell told Closer that it’s clear thatHarry and Meghan’s circle is getting smaller and smaller. I think the A-list stars are dropping like flies. Some already have done — Oprah [Winfrey] no longer seems involved with them and some other celebrities have also dropped them.” Exactly, where is Tyler Perry when H and M need him?

As for Winfrey, she seemed to distance herself after airing a toxic 2021 interview with the grifters. Specifically, Burrell thinks that “Hollywood used to want to be associated with the Sussexes, but things have changed.”

Royal Family News – No One Wants To Be Associated With The Markles

The outlet claims that luminaries such as George and Amal Clooney, and Sussex neighbors Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom, have rejected invites to hang out with the Markles.

Closer dug the knife deeper, claiming that power couple David and Victoria Beckham have shunned the thirsty cable actress and her clown prince.

Social media seems to have tired with the pair as well with one poster noting “Decades from now, the word “grifter” will be defined in the dictionary as “Harry and Meghan” and another wrote “They lost their cachet in Hollywood when they broke with the family.”

Royal Family News – Katy And Orlando Shun Meghan and Harry

Burrell said Americans now realize that Meghan and Harry are a “sideshow” and not the “main event.”

Ironically, Harry is so gung ho about the US that this year he renounced his British residency in paperwork and chose America as his home. Of course Harry has no official UK home since King Charles kicked them out of Frogmore Cottage last June.

For now the couple and their son, Archie and daughter Lilibet, live in Montecito, California. Tell us royal fans, why do you think that Hollywood’s elite have dropped out of the Sussex circle of trust?

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

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