How Prince Harry & Meghan Blew Their Chance To Turn Their Image Around When Meghan Threw A Pity Party On The BBC

Battle Of Brothers: Prince William, Prince Harry And The Inside Story Of A Family In Tumult is a brand new book by esteemed royal writer Robert Lacey and it drops on October 15. In the meantime it is being excerpted, causing all sorts of fresh hell for the family that begot the man formerly known as Prince, Harry.

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The book comes on the heels of the August release of Harry and Meghan Markle’s jaw-dropping bio Finding Freedom which succeeded in cementing their reputation as selfish, whining, freeloaders who threw his family under the bus so that they could seek a tacky lifestyle not restricted by centuries of royal protocol and tradition, but especially so that they could chase after their, “financial freedom.”

Battle Of Brothers: William, Harry And The Inside Story Of A Family In Tumult tells The Inside Story Of Harry And Meghan’s Fall From Royal Grace

In his book, Lacey details that the pair went on their now infamous Southern Africa trip in order to cleanse their image as ingrates with a penchant for asking for more, more, more. It didn’t work.

On the ten-day tour they shook hands, smiled at others, and tried their level best, one imagines, to redeem themselves as proper citizens worthy of the country’s continued allegiance to their monetary support.

But in the end, they toppled their efforts in spectacular fashion. That’s because Harry and Meghan chose to go on camera with Tom Bradby, who had been following them for an ITV documentary titled Harry & Meghan: An African Journey.

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It Would Have Been Better If Meghan Markle Kept Her Tiny Violin Orchestra To Herself

Despite knowing that they were there to unsully the negative image they had managed to forge in a remarkably short period of time, Meghan couldn’t stop herself from going into “victim” mode.

Bradby asked a routine, conversational question and Meghan turned it into a giant pity party.

“How are you feeling, Meghan?” Bradby asked.

And then all heck broke loose, the bowels of Meghan’s sorrow spilled forth and the palace was enraged with them all over again.

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“’ Thank you for asking,’” she replied with a steely and defiant edge. ‘Because not many people have asked if I’m OK.’” Poor Bradby forced to spin into therapist mode at a moment’s notice.

Meghan poured it on thick, getting a dig in at the monarchy back home by saying she was worried about how having to keep a stiff upper lip was affecting her mental health.

The violins crescendoed as she squeaked out, “I think that what that does internally is probably really damaging . . . I’ve said for a long time to H (that’s what I call [Harry]), it’s not enough to just survive something, right? Like that’s not the point of life. You’ve got to thrive, you’ve got to feel happy.”

And with that, she skewered the famous British tradition of keeping one’s private life to oneself and torched her in-laws in public, once again. And they wonder why the public feels nothing but disdain for them.

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Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Guest

    Wah-wah! They need a wake up call before it's too late.

  • Guest

    I think that Priince Harry is now a ghost and Meghan runs the show. She destroyed her husband and I have not seen one happy picture of him since they moved to LA.

  • Guest

    She is a lying slut, her only reason to go to Britain was to ensnare the idiot Harry who is the weakest link and marry him to get herself a title, now she can use the name to make money money money that was her purpose from the start, idiot mr markle made his bed let him lay in it. Him that was supposed to love the Queen and prince Phillip what a bunch of shit excuse the expression but it is true, Harry the idiot is all about the destroyer mistress that is his so called wife more like his puppet master, she hated the Royal family before she ensnared mr markle

  • Loopy Cooney

    By writing these articles about them you are keeping them front and center and as you know there is 'no' bad publicity. Anything that's about them is good. Who really cares. I wish Harry would come to his senses and go home – ALONE