Royal Family News: Insiders Want Prince Andrew’s Royal Titles To Be Snatched Away

Prince Andrew British royal family news reveals that Prince Andrew’s civil court case in which he is accused of sexual assault against a minor, has many calling for his titles to be removed. He is already banished from representing the queen, and good luck finding any trace of him on any official royal social media account.

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How difficult would it be to strip the disgraced Duke of York’s titles?

Royal Family News – Should Andrew Be Stripped of His Titles?

Virginia Giuffre has accused Prince Andrew of having sexual relations with her when she was underage. He denies the allegations. She claims his friends trafficked her to him, the dead convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and recently convicted “pimp” Ghislaine Maxwell.

The case has yet to be heard and in the past several days, particularly after Maxwell’s conviction, rumors of a possible cash settlement have been reported. This has led many royal experts to suggest that Andrew needs to have his titles taken away regardless of how the case turns out.

Royal Family News – Will Andrew Lose His Court Case?

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Prince Andrew tried to clear his name in a 2019 BBC interview that experts declared did more harm than good to his reputation. Afterward the queen forbid him from representing the monarchy in public and he has been seen very little since then. The court of public opinion has not been kind to Andrew, with social media calling for his comeuppance and in December an angry woman slapped his car window as he sat inside.

Despite the public rancor and private scandal, Prince Andrew’s titles remain. Express UK reports that the process of removing them is not an easy one, and he is reported to be his mother’s favorite, so one or both suppositions could be to blame?

Royal Family News – What Will Become Of Prince Andrew?

Andrew is, “colonel-in-chief of nine military regiments … senior commanders now believe it is impossible for the Duke of York to continue in his role,” the outlet states. “Many believe the court case’s outcome is irrelevant to whether Andrew should continue to hold a title.”

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The outlet further claimed, “Some senior officers claim Andrew’s reputation is now so badly damaged by the sex abuse allegations and his friendship with Epstein and Maxwell that he could never again attend a military ceremony.”

One source said, “Even if Andrew is completely exonerated from any wrongdoing he is now regarded as toxic. It is expected he will do the decent thing and resign.” Should one hold one’s breath on that?

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Prince AndrewThe Royal FamilyThe Royal family News
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  • Guest

    ANDREW DUKE OF YORK. Should Resign From Any
    Thing That He Was The
    Head Of, He Like His
    Brother Charles Are TOTAL
    Having A Disgusting Affair
    With A Then Married Woman
    & Himself Still Married To
    DIANA, & One Being BFF
    With A Known PEDOPHILE
    He Needs To Take A Perp
    Walk Of Shame & Disappear,
    In My Opinion They Are
    All A Bunch Of Totally
    AGERS, Who Refuse To
    Grow-Up & Realize Even
    WANT, Seems ANDREW
    Never Got That Message
    & Put His FILTHY HANDS
    You'd Think The Queen
    Or His Nanny ( I Forgot
    Elizabeth & Phillip Were
    To Busy To Raise Or Teach
    The Right Things In Life).
    Would Have Taught Him
    To Be Careful Of Who
    He Associate With, Known
    People He Should Be
    Around, Maybe He
    Should Have Stayed
    In The UK & Taught
    His Daughters Of
    What To Do, Instead
    Traipsing All Around
    The World Abusing
    Young Girls.

  • Guest

    The one thing, he and Sarah did right was bringing up two nice educated girls.

  • Guest

    What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Epstein rubbed shoulders with many heads of countries, including the Pope. At one time he was considered a mover & shaker. A picture taken 30 years ago & an attempt to make money off it does not necessarily make the claims true. Let the courts run its course before, hopefully learning the real truth, we throw the man off the planet.

  • Guest

    There's a lot of wrong doing going on here. No man, especially one with young daughters of his own should be taking advantage of young women. No decent woman would facilitate the manipulation of young girls to be exploited. Nevertheless I have to ask myself what young girl who had any intelligence would want to get on a boat or plane full of dirty old rich men without an adult family member to chaperone her. To reduce this situation to a payoff diminished the integrity of the victim. I start to ask is this a victim or an opportunist. Two wrongs don't make a right. People shouldn't be allowed to prey on others but young women need to be better educated not to get into dangerous and unhealthy situations. Women also have a responsibility to themselves and their choices, people can't so easily harm us if we are not so easily seduced by wealth and power.

  • Guest

    Hey! Jezz… Great comment.

  • Guest

    Dear L,
    I'm not here to pick a fight with you or anyone else here.
    But, remember:
    It was DIANA who was unfaithful in that "marriage" first.
    In fact, about 2½ years in she was already having affairs.
    Putting all the blame on Charles is just her side of the fantasy she enveloped herself in.
    I was looking through several old interviews, etc and she was the FIRST to step out in the marriage…. Not "the reverse"

  • Guest

    Princess Diana’s crazed campaign to win over married art dealer, Oliver Hoare
    She was the most famous woman in the world, he was a sexy married tycoon — and what happened next rocked Princess of Wales to her corDiana was playing games in the relationship, but she enjoyed it. He was playing with fire when he started dating a princess, and he should have known he could get burnt."

    According to the newspaper, Princess Diane and Oliver Hoare enjoyed a tempestuous relationship, which ended when the latter refused to leave his wife.
    Ken Wharfe told the Daily Mail last year that William once pulled Diana’s towel off her so she was “totally naked” while he was in the room. 
    When he rebuked the young prince, William just told him: “I know Mummy likes you!" 
    However, Diana seemed to see the funny side as she just “She was standing there with only a towel around her and William came in and said, ‘Oh, why are you doing Ken’s shirts?’ and pulled the towel off her.Diana’s personal chef Darren McGrady revealed that for William’s birthday Diana’s invited two celebrities he had a crush on ‒ Claude Schiffer and Christy Turlington ‒ and got a birthday cake in the shape of a pair of breasts.
    Apparently Diana was a practical joker and would send "rude" cards to William at school which he "dared not open" when teachers or other students were around.
    "The Princess loved embarrassing people in the nicest way, in a fun way, whether it was telling a dirty, risqué joke – which usually got me," Darren

  • Guest

    Princess Diana Harassed Ex-Lover With Hundreds of Phone Calls – ReportsOnce both Diana and Sarah became members of the royal family, they could enjoy each other's company during at times boring royal events. But they also found another unusual source of entertainment, and their target was the Queen Mother.
    Princess Diana that she and Sarah Ferguson loved pranking their husbands' grandmother.
    Diana and Sarah used to call the Queen Mother's private telephone line and hang up once she answered. This admittedly silly prank really amused the ladies and made them laugh uncontrollably every timDiana, Princess of Wales, once pushed her stepmother down a flight of stairs following a 'furious row' at Althorpe. According to the documentary 'Princess Diana's wicked stepmother', the young Princess of Wales 'flew into a rage' at a party which was being attended by both her mother and her step-mother. This is "funny"???
    There's plenty more out there, too.
    Poor Diana. What if someone shoved HER down a flight of stairs?
    Oh, but Charles probably made her do that, too?

  • Barbara

    I think it is a shame that he has been accused of such crap. But the jury is still out let’s see what happens.