Is Prince William Looking For A New PR Strategy?

Is Prince William looking for a new PR strategy? That’s what some fans can’t help but wonder, now that he’s either attending his royal engagements and public appearances solo or he’s hitting the town with his aunt, Sophie, Duchess of Edinburgh.

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And while a lot of people can’t help but wonder what this means for his marriage with Kate Middleton as they are now rarely seen with one another, some people think that this might be the new Prince William moving forward. Here’s what you need to know.

Is Prince William Looking For A New PR Strategy?

While there’s a lot of speculation that William and Kate’s marriage is in trouble, others think that the Prince of Wales is moving forward with his life, regardless of what happens.

In fact, some people think that he’s picked up a new “Single Father Ready To Date” persona and that it seems to be working for him, too. In other words, there’s a new pep in William’s step and some people are liking it.

Of course, many royal fans and critics alike have weighed in on the matter on social media. Some people believe that if William does end up pulling the plug on his marriage to Kate Middleton, some people think that the future King of England could try appearing as a “single father looking to date,” and make that his new PR strategy.

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Many have commented on the matter with, “PR wise he could generate some much needed interest with the single father on the dating scene shtick. He needs an Amal now. Someone who has a bit of natural charisma and is supremely interested in using their platform for a tangible cause,” along with, “I don’t know if there is someone waiting in the wings, but it would not be surprising if he did end up with someone else that he would treat her much better. I mean this is what Charles did with Camilla over Diana.”

What’s Next For Prince William?

Another critic wrote, “I don’t think it’s a case of William never being able to respect a woman I think it is that he just never respected Kate from the outset. His interactions with Jecca even in his early 20s didn’t show him treating her as an appendage as he always did with Kate. Kate was prepared to accept anything in order to get the ring and title and that has translated to William’s level of respect for her.”

Yikes. The criticism sure is harsh. Here’s hoping that whatever happens, Prince William and Kate Middleton will be able to work through their issues. And if not, they will do what’s best for their family and what’s best for their three small children, too. Watch this space.

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Tell us celebrity gossip fans, how do you feel about this story? Contribute to the buzz by dropping us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. Also, Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Editorial credit: KatrineAanensen /

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonKing CharlesMegexitMeghan MarklePrince and Princess Of WalesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Kaye

    Geez, maybe, just maybe, they are trying to have at least one parent home with their kids. Or perhaps they are trying to get Sophie out on more engagements and she’s getting her “feet wet” on being out there more.
    How do you know how he treated Jecca?
    Prince William went looking for Catherine when they had that hic-up in their relationship.
    Pictures have been shown with the Prince and Princess of Wales on recent occasions with them laughing. You don’t laugh like that if you’re splitting up or your husband is having an affair.

    • Ella

      I agree. I believe that William and Kate are both doing what is needed for the monarchy and for their children. I call that wonderful parents.
      Please don’t judge after one appearance with his aunt.