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Prince Harry & His Brother Seen Together – But Distanced
Ahead of the funeral, the media and social media commenters talked about the fact that finally, the two brothers would have to reunite during a sad occasion. Well, they shuffled Harry off into a corner in the third row. Well, the media made much of that, and the fact that Meghan actually held her husband’s hand as he went through some sad moments while paying respect to his granny. Of course, sources gushed about how horrid Meghan is.
Prince Harry and King Charles appear to be in a new phase of their relationship. No more mollycoddling queen is around to save him anymore. Or, so the headlines would have people believe. As usual, the hate for the couple spewed out the whole time they were there. But is the media misreading the mood? Over the weekend and into Monday, a lot of people started speaking up for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.
Prince Harry – Didn’t Need To Dress Up To Look Royal
Waking behind the gun carriage that pulled the Queen’s coffin, Harry walked tall. Nearby, walked King Charles who was dressed in his regalia but he never saw military action. Prince William served very briefly in a non-combatant position. So, he was able to dress up in uniform and salute at the Cenotaph. Still. a lot of people felt that Lady Di’s youngest son looked every inch a royal with his personal bearing.
Prince Harry bowed his head. And notably, in the crowd, veterans saluted in their civilian clothing as the carriage passed by. While the media say he’s a disgrace to the vets, many of them tweeted nice things about the prince. And many other people voiced their concerns about the obvious spite and hate directed at both the Duke and The Duchess of Sussex.
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Prince Harry got plenty of comments that supported him. @DrBeKnows tweeted, “Prince Harry looks so handsome, dignified & respectful. And he seems sincere in his grief & love for his grandmother. Princess Diana would be proud & I think Queen Elizabeth would, too. We know Meghan is proud. King Charles should be proud of him, but sadly lacks the soul for it.”
Replying to critics, Susan Godber wrote, “You mean happy with a beautiful wife and children. Successful invictus games not to mention [too] many charities to name. Playing polo with his best and loyal friend Nacho. Your right he has arrived. Proud of you Prince Harry and Meghan continue conquering the world.”
Embarrassed By The Royal Family?
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If the media and the royal family tried to publically embarrass Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, it seems that it backfired. One influencer mentioned how they noticed that their tweets in favor of Megah and her husband had trended. Thousands of comments arrived across Twitter that slammed the hate against the couple.
What are your thoughts? Do you think that the mindless hate for Lady Di’s son and his wife is growing old and embarrassing for everyone but the couple it is directed at? Sound off in the comments below.
Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.
Editorial credit: Shaun Jeffers /
It is an unfortunate situation, however, Harry and Megan brought the distrust on themselves, you don’t air your dirty linen in public, in addition there were lots of blatant lies told.
Nobody have a problem with you wanting a private life but they are not doing that. They have dug their own pit, as the saying goes, you lay with dogs you get fleas and that’s just what Harry got. Harry was my favourite but he lost himself and sense of family along the way.
Megan does not have a sense of family, look at hers and how they treat each other.
Nationalism is a beautiful thing and then when folks leave the territory it can be such a big deal. Just like when a person is loved at work and then suddenly hated when they leave. Any type of departure creates emotion. I think the whole thing about snuffing Price Harry and Meghan is COMPLETELY CHILDISH. Sometimes when you do what is best for yourself, it is viewed as a betrayal by others. I have been entirely impressed with the royal couple. Blessings to Harry and Meghan.
I totally agree..I admire both of them..He left a pampered prince and returned a mature Independent man..His trials have only made him stronger and have demonstrated their love for one another..God bless him and his family..
Harry showed the World that he was the Son of Princess Diana. He’s Loving, Caring and Outgoing. Harry put Meghan lovingly in the car at Windsor unlike William, who let Catherine fend for herself. To my knowledge Harry has never stepped out of his Marriage to Meghan which is more then can be said for The King and William. So when Harry Is in Public he has A Lot to Be Proud of Especially his Military Service. God Bless Harry and His Family and Bring Them Peace from the wicked Public.
I thought the royal family did very well including Prince Harry and Meghan seats in third roll were based on the age of the royals. I feel the media is causing all the negativity. But I do feel that Prince Harry should have been allowed to salute as he was an active veteran . And they did choose to step down from royal duties so they must accept the consequences of their decision
So much ado about nothing! Perhaps the Royal Firm members are actually jealous of the life that Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan have built in America. After all, they have the freedom that the Firm does not. Perhaps we should keep in mind that children of Royalty are born into royalty; it’s not a choice they made. All of the hateful vitriol of the press and the “punishments bestowed on them is wrong. No one knows what any of them are feeling, and so they choose to make up stories to sell magazines. The very people who condemn them are free to live their lives as they choose; why can’t Harry and Meghan?
It’s really sad that people like to gossip. Such as people that call themselves the experts on the Royal family. I cannot believe that so many people get caught up in gossip and lies and spewed hate against people especially Megan and Harry. But the Royal experts they need to create this gossip and confusion so that they sell papers and books. They’re just like Donald Trump though reporters and stuff they’re always on Megan’s and Harry’s case. All they want to do is have a good life for their kids and stuff and they’re always targeted. By Pierce Morgan and the rest of them. They should leave them alone
When Prince Harry and Meghan are in the U.S. they have no problem bad mouthing the Royal family. People seem to forget all the terrible things they have said.
Also when they went back to Harry’s home, it was his brother William who reached out more then once to include them in several different events.
Hopefully Harry will realize it isn’t right to trash your family to the whole world. We are all human and make mistakes and to apologize and ask forgiveness is a step in the right direction.
Hopefully his book is not as bad as it seems everyone thinks it is. I am praying for all the royal family to come together and make Queen Elizabeth proud.
The media and royal family’s negatively and racism has backfired. They have gone too far and now it is almost comical and petty.
I think it’s sick the way they treat them. The racism over there is so in your face. I mean they did what they were asked to do. But still no relief. And some of the ones there royal or not aren’t perfect. There’s a special place in hell for these past face bastards.
The British press proved everything Harry and Megan said was true during the mourning period for Queen Elizabeth. That was their story and that’s what they focused on relentlessly and transparently. And, it wasn’t a story. They attended funeral events for their family member. They didn’t make any sort of spectacle or draw attention to themselves. The British tabloids could have and should have stayed focused on the Queen and were downright disrespectful of her legacy by focusing on H and M. It was pathetic and the whole world watched in disgust.
Prince Harry and Megan said how they felt. Weather the family agreed or not being mean spirit and bullies is very unbecoming. These are grown people acting like kids. How long is this going to keep dragging on. The firm is no better than anyone else and need to stop. Time to forgive and move on and stop degrading Prince Harry and his wife.
Harry and Megan did very well, they showed respect to the queen and they were only to do that! They are free to
Live their life. The royals might not like what was said about them, but then, why say it at all?