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It’s All About Body Language – Prince Harry Ready To Call It Quits With Meghan?

Prince Harry And MeghanSome believe that Meghan Markle is browbeating Prince Harry into joining her on what may be a personal crusade for social justice. This comes as British media published reports concerning Prince Harry’s body language during several Zoom appearances the Duke of Sussex made recently.

In many of these Zoom calls, Prince Harry spoke to one charity or another, or at one award ceremony or another, and in each, he called for “painful” examinations of the Commonwealth’s past. Indeed, he went further with Meghan at his side, suggesting that the entire U.K needs to “acknowledge the past” and that the country needs to attempt to “right its wrongs.”

However, some are now claiming that Prince Harry was very uncomfortable during these speeches and that he appeared to be speaking by rote. In other words, it’s as if someone told Prince Harry what to say and expected him to say it … even though he had misgivings. Indeed, body language experts noted that while Harry spoke in several of these videos, he looked at the floor, or off to the side, instead of speaking directly to his audience. Moreover, fans of Prince Harry who watched these videos chimed in and agreed that he looked upset and “trapped.”

All of this speculation has gone even further and some are questioning if this might mean that Prince Harry actually feels trapped in his marriage. What are the terms should Harry and Meghan divorce? According to royal experts, Meghan would get to keep her title of “Duchess of Sussex” and she’d get a huge monetary payout, but little else. That’s true even though Prince Harry and Meghan didn’t sign a pre-nuptial agreement before getting married.

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Regardless, of all that, the question of whether Prince Harry and Meghan are headed for a breakup is perhaps a bit hasty. While Harry might have seemed “trapped” in the videos wherein he lectured the U.K. as if he was Big Papa and all the peasants were fifth-graders, his body language toward Meghan may not be so negative.

Has anyone seen Harry refuse to look Meghan in the eyes? When Meghan tried to capture Harry’s attention does he glance away? When they sit together do they tilt their heads in opposite directions or subtly shift their bodies away from one another? Are Meghan and Harry dour toward one another? Do the Duke and Duchess of Sussex rarely smile at one another? When speaking, does Harry or Meghan turn so that feet are pointed away from the other?

If no one is noticing blatant body language that Harry and Meghan are awkward toward each other, then it’s not likely there are doom and gloom in the couple’s romantic future … at least in the near term. Whether things remain roses for Harry and Meghan is still something no one in the U.K. is entirely sure of, however. That’s especially true considering all the laundry that is currently being aired, and which may continue to air, during Meghan Markle’s lawsuit against several of Britain’s most famous tabloids.

The bottom line is that Meghan and Harry’s relationship will likely continue to play out in the public eye … for better or worse.

  1. Loopy Cooney says

    Run Harry Run

  2. Guest says

    Get a grip. Wishful thinking that Harry is bowing out. He is not bowing out. Very human to wish so because she appears so controlling and he appears so lame. However, he is willingly trapped. I think they will continue in this fashion. It’s not pretty but there you are.

  3. Guest says

    They make a beautiful couple. Get over it!

  4. Loopy Cooney says

    Run Harrry Run

  5. Guest says

    When I clicked the link to this story, I got a pop-up for me to sign up for their future articles. Under that, it was the headline, a bunch of traditional ads and links to other stories. There was NO story attached to the headline!

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