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Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Avoid Prince Harry and Meghan’s Attempts To Become Friends: Here’s Why!

Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Avoid Meghan Markle And Prince Harry's Attempts To Become Friends: Here's Why!Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez recently tied the knot. But now the happy newlyweds face an unusual challenge. Meghan Markle and Prince Harry want to make friends with Jen and Ben. And so the Sussex couple keep trying to form a relationship. But it got awkward in how Lopez and Affleck reacted.

Find out what happened when Meghan and Harry sought out Jennifer and Ben for a friendship. And learn why the Duchess of Sussex and Duke of Sussex feel so eager about forming a bond with the actors. Get all the details below. 

Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Ice Out Meghan Markle And Prince Harry

Meghan Markle wanted to get close to Jennifer Lopez for some time, claim Insiders quoted by IB Times. Because Meghan feels disappointing at losing so many of her Hollywood friends, Markle reportedly sought Jennifer’s help. And Harry wanted to help his wife by bonding with Ben Affleck. However, the royals got rejected. 

Sources described Meghan and Harry as “dying to spend time with Jennifer and Ben.” Markle, known as an actress on Suits, and Harry did once enjoy a double date with Lopez and her ex fiance, Alex Rodriguez. But either that date didn’t go well or Ben Affleck dislikes the notion of spending time with Meghan and Harry.

As a result, Lopez allegedly told Prince Harry’s “diva spouse to get lost.” And celebrity watchers noticed how that ban went into effect at Ben’s and Jen’s wedding. Meghan and Harry reportedly felt disappointed at their exclusion from Affleck’s and Lopez’s wedding list.

Meghan Markle Burns Bridges With Mariah Carey’s Help

But the Duchess of Sussex reportedly found a way to get back at Jennifer Lopez. And Meghan burned bridges by turning Lopez’s enemy Mariah Carey into a guest. Markle featured Carey on her podcast series called Archetypes.

However, an insider shared that Meghan truly felt disappointed after her double date with Jennifer in Miami. Markle “thought she and J.Lo really clicked on that double date in Miami,” added the source. “But there’s been little follow-up. And J.Lo didn’t even consider inviting the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to the wedding.”

But from Lopez’s perspective, the distance between them makes a friendship impossible. Jennifer views Meghan as a “C-lister who got lucky and can’t hold a candle to her and Ben,” added the source. And the insider dubbed Ben and Jen “the true king and queen of Hollywood! This is embarrassing for Meghan.” However, the situation also represents “a blow to Harry, who’d love to build up his buddy club with Ben.”

And the same source got candid about the situation. Calling Jennifer Lopez “one of the most image-obsessed people on the planet,” the insider offered a harsh reality check. “And the brutal truth is that it’s not a good look to be hanging out with Meghan right now. She’ll play nice if they run into each other. But as far as being bosom buddies, it’s not gonna happen,” concluded the insider.

Tell us what you think. Do you feel shocked at how Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck reportedly gave Meghan Markle and Prince Harry the cold shoulder? And after you share your views, check back on our site for more celebrity news.

  1. Wanda Reynolds says

    I think Jlo and Ben is cut from the same cloth, both are hung up on themselves. Neither one of them are good enough for anybody except each other.

    1. Jackie Briwn says

      I totally agree with you. Jennifer better remember where she came from before she ends up in the dog house. I wish them well in that marriage but don’t think it will last.

    2. June says

      I hate how Jennifer thinks she is better than everyone else. I like her but man. She can’t even stay single for five minutes.

  2. Kathleen Meyer says

    MEghan is making a lot of bad mistakes. Every other person who has become a royal spouse has learned the rules and has stayed in England. Move to England, get a real job, allow your husband to visit HIS family and have family time with them and the children. It’s okay for married folk to have a few separate interests. Quit being so clingy.

  3. Berachel says

    Meghan and Harry are better off without the toxicity of Jennifer Lopez. She’s a worn out, attention seeking hag who seems to think she is somehow better than everyone.

  4. Claude Bourque says

    It’s look everything Megan touch become vinagar,amertumea or some how zizanic..She knew Harry obligation ,duty before married him…now she want to drive on her way…you can t fight again the blood,,,one day she will realize that

  5. Deb Bond says

    J&B are too smart to get caught up in gossip and sadly whenever you’re around or even talking to M&H, you automatically become gossip.

  6. Gigi Canada says

    She shouldn’t encourage Harry to move out of his families and his Royal duty, is a big mistake , that could be the beginning of a end , when you married a royalty you alwaidy know what is your life ll be now Harry be coming out sider of his own families witch no good ,he can ‘ t be happy about his life now he s kissing people in Hollywood for social climbing, when the Guy is royalty , people should kiss and bow his ass, since Harry still young, but later one he ll see things clearly and he ll resent his wife and go back home to reunite with his families and his duties.any body who has sense you can see Harry sad he s not happy I feel bad for him.

    1. Lin says

      I wish Harry and Megan would go back to their royal duties and reunite with the families

  7. Marilyn says

    All four of these people are toxic.
    JLo thinks her $hit does not stink. She is a pick-me who married a drunk who ended their engagement in 2004. Taking him back was a desperate move. Besides being a drink, Ben was trying to hit up twenty somethingers on dating sites. Megan is no better. Harry is immature. The Afflecks & Harry and Megan would actually get along.

  8. Louise says

    Have never been a fan or Markle and am
    Disappointed in Harry for moving to the US! As someone else said in the comments, I think Markle has burned plenty of bridges (who really cares that she had Mariah on her show anyway?) so no celebrity wants to be around her or
    Harry! Maybe they will figure out what they should be doing and just do it the not work so hard trying to make friends. They did this to themselves!

  9. Sherri says

    Grow up

  10. Regina Gina says

    Megan knew what she was getting into when she married Prince Harry , Megan needs too take her butt back to England with her kids and husband , And live the life she signed up for , Megan brought this young Prince over in The USA for What , Her own selfish gain not His … This Man has shown you how much He Loves you , Megan is crazy like her Father …Go Home Megan and Harry

  11. Bev Joyce says

    I believe Meghan has ulterior motives in seeking celebrity friends, as she did in pursuing Harry. She wanted wealth, attention and fame; and she has them. I think the worst thing she has done is say she was suicidal in Britain. What does that say about her marriage? Poor Harry. A lifetime can be a very long drama!

  12. L. S. Miller says

    I think it is time people in the UK and it’s Comonwealth countries realize the Royal Family is absolutely just a ceremonial role for the Country. They do not make any laws nor rule the country. With the person put in as Queen Consort and King the Royal Family has no room to talk about Meghan.

    Harry gave an interview by himself and stated the paparazzi killed his mother while dating a man who was not white. They came after Meghan and would not give up and he said he was afraid they would not stop until she is dead too. We do not have paparazzi behavior like that here in the US as they would and some have ended up in jail after. I am tired of reading about all of these stories bashing Harry & Meghan and the stating it came from a Royal Insider or Palace Insider. Print who said it or don’t print the story. Same as this story an insider stated that….. print the name or it is not credible. A lot of time the “Insider” is really not a trusted person who would know but someone asking for fame or money by being a supposed snitch but really don’t know what is going on anyhow. For all you know these insiders could be someone who is making delusional comments up for a spite reason themselves.

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