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Kate Middleton Is In A Dire Situation According To The Spanish Press

Kate Middleton Is In A Dire Situation According To The Spanish PressIt looks like things are going to get significantly worse before they get better anytime soon. There’s a new report that suggests Kate Middleton is in a dire situation, according to the Spanish press.

Royal Family News: Kate Middleton Is In A Dire Situation According To The Spanish Press

The Princess of Wales was supposed to return to her royal duties by Easter, but that clearly hasn’t happened. And now one source close to the situation says that things are about to get very difficult for the royal mother-of-three.

Spanish journalist Concha Calleja went on the record with Fiesta magazine to suggest that things aren’t looking very well for the future queen of England.

She put it this way, About Kate Middleton specifically, I have been told ‘I would like to tell you that the worst is over but it’s not true’. The worst is not over.”

Concha continued, “The treatment does not finish until the month of August and she will have to undergo another surgical intervention before the end of the year.”

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If that weren’t enough, she also said, “Let’s hope that with the end of the treatment and another surgical intervention, something more will be known. I hope that before that they will say something. I think that, for the moment, we are not going to see her, at least not until she is sufficiently more recovered.”

Of course, Kensington Palace is yet to make any comments about the matter but at the same time, separate reports have said that Kate Middleton is not expected to be back at her royal engagements for the rest of this year.

Clearly, something is going on and a lot of royal critics think that it will only be a matter of time before the real truth will come out. After all, the palace can’t keep this under wraps forever.

We will definitely update you with all of the latest details as they come in.

Tell us, Celebrating the Soaps fans, what do you think of all the buzz in this story? Let us know by dropping us a line below.

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Editorial credit: Chris Brunt /

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