Kate Middleton May Never Be The Same Again

It’s not very often that you have a health condition that forces you to stay in the hospital for two weeks and will keep you out of the eye for many long months, too.

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But that’s exactly what Kate Middleton is going through right now. While Kensington Palace was very vague in their details about the Princess of Wales and her condition, many royal fans still can’t help but wonder what’s really going on.

That, and they also believe that whatever Kate Middleton is going through right now, she might never be the same. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Royal Family News – Kate Middleton May Never Be The Same Again

As many royal fans are aware by now, the Princess of Wales reportedly had abdominal surgery at The London Clinic this past week and will be recovering for at least two weeks. At least, that’s what the palace wants the public to believe.

A lot of people can’t help but wonder why the princess would have to remain in the hospital for such a long time if her surgery was not that serious.

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Ever since the Princess of Wales married Prince Wililam back in 2011, she has always been in the spotlight in one way or another.

This is the first time that she is expected to take such a long time out of the spotlight. This has certainly never happened before.

There’s even social media speculation suggesting Kate Middleton may never be the same again. Because even if she is this sick, and it’s not cancer, her health woes will change her life as she knows it.

Royal Family News – What’s Next For The Princess Of Wales?

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So far the future queen of England has made no comments about the matter but at this point it’s doubtful that she will.

Prince William has been visiting her at the hospital and when she’s expected to go home, there’s a good chance that she will remain indoors for a very long time.

Watch this space as we will definitely update you with all of the latest details as they come in.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts.

Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals,  We’ve got you covered.

Editorial credit: Robson90 / Shutterstock.com

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonKing CharlesMegexitMeghan MarklePrince and Princess Of WalesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Judy

    I think they are hiding something. Nothing keeps you in the hospital for 14 days. My mother had heart surgery and wasn’t in that long. I think she had a hysterectomy and they are keeping it secret. For someone so popular you would think they would reveal it. Makes Charles hospital visit seem meaningless! Something not right about this

    • Sally

      Most people are saying hysterectomy which may be true because of all her pregnancies were not easy for her. Gastro-intestinal surgery can’t be ruled out and that would take longer to heal. Diverticulitis could be the problem.

      • Sheree

        I say hysterectomy

        • Elie

          I personally had hysterectomy, three C section, no surgery keeps you so long in the hospital even to UK customs I lived in UK no one stays in hospital two weeks unless she decide to recuperate in the hospital. Eve so hysterectomy I would give her 10 days in the hospital!

      • Sheila

        I had a portion of my colon removed due to diverticulitis. Mine was laparoscopic so I was in and out of the hospital in about four days. Recovering takes quite a while and your digestive system operates differently than before. It’s been eight months and I’m still recovering.

    • Eddie

      Yes in Europe you will stay in the hospital for a lot longer
      And your recovery is usually double that of the USA
      So you all stop speculating

      • JenRage

        Why get mad about what people “think”(which is speculation) might be the cause when your reading these types of articals/topics about things that aren’t confirmed? People are free to voice their opinions in the US or UK. If you read it randomly on social media etc, Id be right with you but maybe don’t read this type of page if it bothers you so much? The whole point of commenting on this site is to voice opinions. That’s MY opinion & here’s to Princess Catherine getting completely well as quick as possible no matter what the reason

    • Mary

      I think she has had to have a temporary colostomy bag and might have diverticulitis or crone’s disease. This would involve abdominal surgery, takes some time to get used to the bag. Might be able to have intestines rejoined and bag removed after two weeks and then it’s weeks of a liquid diet or home with the bag and a second surgery closer to Easter.

      • Elie

        That makes sense! Something like that. I have a nephew who had a bad surgery to reduce his stomach he was in the hospital in Mexico 8 months and then the following two years he stay in and out!. Kay is too slim and I am sure to keep that slim she probably eats nothing! Something had to happen to her digestive system or her intestines! Bless her hear hope she gets well soon!


        I agree with you! Chrons disease is difficult and would cause serious abdominal surgery. I pray she is okay and whatever it is, may she recover quickly. ❤️

  • Julee

    This entire things sounds fishy. There are very few procedures that require a 2 week stay in the hospital and they are life and death situations.

  • Michael

    You know can they have no privacy. Some things are not the publics business. Where are the Hipa laws with them.

    • Janice Melvin

      That’s right..let the Royals have time alone..this is not your business.. Leave them alone

      • Elie

        Is everybody business they are public figures!!

  • Donna

    I’m wondering if she had intestinal surgery (which IS in the abdomen)…maybe a blockage? Colostomy, perhaps? That would require an extended hospital stay. Sometimes, when you have gut surgery, you have a temporary colostomy, and when the gut heals, they reattach the intestines. All of that would explain her long absence from the public eye. She most definitely has a right to privacy, but that’s not gonna stop people from speculating….

  • Cheryl h

    Is she really having some plastic surgery…. Face? Takes a long time for the bruising to go away???

  • NannieBee

    You must realize that the health issues of others are none of our business, so just drop it. We are ALL entitled to our privacy when it come to health, ESPECIALLY @ if you nor I are not related to the ill person. If you are related, then that’s a whole different issue. Let them be, and wish her well.

  • Barbara Brooks

    Kate has looked very scarily THIN of late…

  • Lyn

    Maybe it is just a hysterectomy, mine took 6 weeks of healing and the first couple of weeks were terrible. Maybe they treat future queens better than me and let her stay in the hospital for the worst part of healing….
    None of our business anyway.

  • Linda

    I doubt it’s a hysterectomy because I had one and I was out in 3 days. Whatever surgery it was I doubt it had anything to do with reproductive issues. Wish her a speedy recovery.

  • Erika Morris

    Wishing a speedy recovery for a beautiful Princess Katherine. People are entitled to their privacy.

  • Mizpah

    I think that the princess is pregnant again

  • Susie

    Hello ALL, She said she did want the school kids telling her kids what was going on with her when she wasn’t there to explain and see she was ok. In time you’ll most likely get all the information. I’m guessing on it’s a hysterectomy and I had one, it’s important you have a bowel movement so they know nothing got cut. Also you feel like you been gutted and it’s a real healing process and very, very hard to getting back to yourself again. Yes she absolutely needs time even after getting back home before she is strong again. Time will be helping her and getting back to her self slowly. Just pray for her sweet self to smile again and to stay positive. I really don’t think PRINCE WILLIAM staying home is helping anyone how ever. heard her sister PIPI was coming in for the kids. Maybe DAD being there is good who knows ?? In the real life that wouldn’t happen. lol…❤️. GET WELL SOON KATE…

  • Nelly Veith

    I see nothing uncommon to stay in the hospital for10 or 14 days after abdominal surgery.
    Speaking the surgery was done in the UK .
    In Europe the surgery patients are kept much longer in the hospital than in the USA.
    In European Hospitals you get great after surgery care. Especially if you have young children home.
    After you are able to get home, 6 weeks minimum is recommended for rehabilitation.

  • C Bennett

    It’s very possible she had a ruptured intestine resulting in a colostomy and peritonitis secondary to the rupture

  • Mary Green

    Diverticulitis. It is a three mont affair!!

  • Laur

    Insurance there is different from ours, and royalty has privilege most don’t have. Probably hysterectomy and bladder suspension for incontinence. She needs to be sure all plumbing and bowels work as royals don’t poop and pee like the rest of us.

  • Patsy

    Princess Kate is a beautiful lady. She most definitely has a lot of class. She needs time to heal. She needs time with her beautiful children and William. May God grant you the time and help to get well. She has a lot of responsibility on her shoulders. Definitely the peoples princess, and prime example of a future Queen. Love to Princess Kate and family! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • Jr

    Maybe it’s a mental health issue. Nothing else adds up