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Kate Middleton Portrait Has Fans FURIOUS, Does The Artist HATE Kate?

Kate Middleton Portrait Has Fans FURIOUS, Does The Artist HATE Kate?British royal family news reveals that a new portrait of Kate Middleton has royalists furious about the cartoonish depiction of one of the world’s most glamorous, beloved women.

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder and we have to wonder what the artist, Hannah Uzor, saw in Kate to make her paint this vividly ugly painting provoking comments such as: “Is this a joke?, Wait, did lil Louis paint this, Omg! HORRIBLE!!!!!!, Ghastly portrait.”

To her discredit, Uzor tried to defend herself hours after the unveiling by saying that she painted Princess Katherine’s “soul.” Wow. Maybe she needs glasses; or abstinence from certain substances.

Royal News Kate-Gate Extends to Ugly Portrait

According to Fox News, the British Zambian artist has brought nothing but scorn upon herself with one royal fan posting “Sorry but this portrait failed to capture the essence of Princess Catherine in every possible way.”

Uzor’s rendering of Kate looks exactly like the insta-drawings courtroom sketchers make, with Kate’s face depicted like that of a tortured criminal on trial for murder.

The botched piece prompted one fan to write: “Why make one eye smaller than the other? There is literally not a bad photo of her in existence. To make such unflattering portrait when you have all the time you need time to produce something amazing is quite incredible.”

Incredible is one way to describe it and you can see it on Tatler magazine’s July cover.

Royal News – Royal Portraits Gone Awry

Uzor’s melodramatic portrait comes days after another royal portrait fail. Last week Buckingham Palace unveiled a portrait of King Charles that had people seeing red. Literally.

In that case Charles’ face swims in a sea of crimson, the whole painting covered in hideous scarlet tones and shades we didn’t know existed until now. Pantone, your next artist in residence is waiting for his interview.

In the name of protecting countless retinas the world over, here is a thumbnail description of Catherine’s unlikeness: “the princess in a white gown adorned with a yellow brooch and blue sash. She wears an ornate tiara on her head. The inspiration behind the photograph seems to stem from several of Catherine’s previous looks.”

Royal Family News – Why Paint Catherine So Ugly?

The artist, Hannah Uzor, told Tatler that she “spent a lot of time looking at [Catherine], looking at her pictures, watching videos of her, seeing her with her family, seeing her in diplomatic visits, seeing her when she’s rowing or visiting children in a hospice.”

But wait there’s more! “It’s been really interesting for me to get a sense of who she is. The process for painting this portrait, apart from studying the photographs and the videos, is actually coming up with a sketch. So once I’m happy with a sketch and I’ve done a series of sketches in my sketchbook, particularly looking at her expression was really key. And so I’ve done several sketches trying to capture her expression. And once I’m happy with that, I can then proceed to figure out what she’s going to wear.”

In March, Catherine announced in a pre-recorded message that she had been diagnosed with cancer and was undergoing preventative chemotherapy. She has not had a public engagement since then.

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Editorial credit: B. Lenoir /

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