Kate Middleton’s Royal Engagements Will No Longer Include Prince William

At this point, it looks like Prince William and Kate Middleton are going to be spending more time apart than they are together.

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That’s because there’s a new report that suggests the Princess of Wales is looking to do more work on her own while her husband Prince William does his ‘own thing’ separately.

This, of course, has prompted a lot of people to wonder about the state of their marriage. Here’s what you need to know.

Royal Family News: Kate Middleton’s Royal Engagements Will No Longer Include Prince William

As many royal fans know by now, Kate Middleton has decided not to join her husband Prince William for the Earthshot Awards in Singapore next month.

Instead, she will stay back in the UK and help her son Prince George prepare for his school exams.

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According to royal experts, both the Prince and Princess of Wales seem to be okay with this new arrangement as Prince William has been feeling quite frustrated with the kind of attention that his wife has been getting from the media. In fact, he feels like he’s been getting ignored for all the wrong reasons, too.

One source close to the situation put it this way to the Daily Express, “It can be all about what the princess wears as far as the media is concerned, which means some of the big issues get ignored. When he is on his own, the coverage tends to be about the issues he is trying to highlight.” 

Royal Family News: Prince William Feels Frustrated

But at the same time, King Charles sees Kate Middleton as a huge asset to the royal family and that’s why he still wants her in the spotlight, with or without Prince William.

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With that said, as much as Prince William wants more attention for the work he does, it seems like his wife will be getting even more for what she wears.

William is just going to have to take it or leave it, right? Even so, it seems like Kate’s future royal engagements will not include Prince William either way. 

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts.

Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals, We’ve got you covered.

Editorial credit: Lorna Roberts / Shutterstock.com

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonKing CharlesMegexitMeghan MarklePrince and Princess Of WalesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Brenda

    The future King is acting like a Ass. What is his problem? His mother would be so disappointed in him.

    • Sherry

      Why do you believe this tabloid story? This reporter has NO contact with anyone in the royal family to say that about William. This is a made up story just to get click baits to make money.

  • Princess Chelsy on X

    You work for Sunshine Sachs. Has Markle asked you to personally write this? Is she paying you? Since you only have connections to Snarkle, how can CS allow you to write such an obviously vapid article?

  • Gail

    This makes sense. There are fewer working royals, this way they can cover more ground. If in the past say they did two engagements together now each can still do two engagements and get more done.

  • Shade.Is.Likely

    She’s not Kate Middleton…and hasn’t been for years.

  • Donna Bomer

    I understand that men like all the limelight but I thought Prince William was above all that pettiness. Don’t be like your father. Let the news media have their way, everyone knows the Great work you do. You and your wife are a powerful couple.

  • Donna

    I Love The Idea Of Princess Cathrine Helping Prince George With His Exams They Are Very Important For Schooling.

  • Catherine

    1 HRH Catherine Princess of Wales is her name now, they’ve been married 13 years get it right. Catherine and William have their priorities right. There’s NOTHING wrong in their marriage. Both have done their own engagements. As for you, tell that biatch narckle she’s never going to anything but a d list actress, her jealousy knows no bounds. How dare you write this drivvle .

    • Sherry

      Of all the royals Catherine is doing the right way of teaching the children for it will being a stable loving royal family to the throne when it is time. I totally agree with your comment 100%

  • sss

    You made up this story to show Prince William in a poor light. Shame on you. William and Catherine have some solo engagements and some joint engagements. This has been the case since they got married. It is not a new thing. They will continue to have some solo engagements and some joint engagements. Nothing’s changed.
    (Rumour has it you work(ed) for Sunshine Sachs, the Harkles former agency, so that makes sense.

    • Sherry

      Absolutely agree with you 100%