King Charles And Queen Camilla Share Royal Diet Secrets!

King Charles and Queen Camilla follow diets fit for royalty. However, a desire for health rather than vanity keeps the monarchs motivated to stay on their food plans, say insiders. And even at elaborate royal dinners, Charles and Camilla stay on their regimens. 

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Find out what the King and Queen eat every day. And learn how Charles dines on just two meals daily. Get all the details below.

Royal Family News

King Charles – Eats Only Two Meals A Day

Daily exercise and a diet limited to two meals a day keep King Charles in shape. And when he received his crown at the recent coronation, Charles became the oldest person to take on the title of monarch. But at 74, he credits his dedication to diet and exercise for his health, reported the Mirror.

For instance, King Charles starts each day with a 12-minute fitness regime. The exercise routine includes sit-ups, stretching, and running. And the King also relishes long walks over his estate. One palace aide admitted, “It takes effort for a fit man half his age to keep up with him. Many a VIP has fallen by the wayside over the years when they have gone off on a walk with him.”

King Charles eats only breakfast and dinner. And two days a week, he follows a vegetarian regime. The King also ditches dairy one day each week. A typical breakfast includes fruit, nuts, seeds, soft boiled eggs, and a cup of tea. In the late afternoon or early evening, Charles eats his second meal of cake and sandwiches. 

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As for royal banquets, Charles tries to avoid them. Instead, he prefers a reception featuring drinks. And when he travels, he takes his own private chef to reduce the chances of food poisoning. He also rarely drinks anything between meals to avoid the need for breaks. However, the King feels very particular about his booze, taking his own stash with him when he travels. Charles particularly enjoys a dry martini.

Queen Camilla – Enjoys Her Organic Diet

And like King Charles, Queen Camilla enjoys eggs for her breakfast. The new Queen’s favorite breakfast dish involves cheese with those eggs. And she also favors greens with her cheese-baked eggs, according to the List.

But Queen Camilla doesn’t limit her veggie intake to breakfast. And King Charles’ wife believes in plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. The couple’s Sandringham Estate has become an organic farm, with asparagus, strawberries, kale, and broccoli among Camilla’s favorites. She aims for an organic diet with plenty of variety.

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However, don’t look for exotic dishes on Queen Camilla’s menu. For instance, she enjoys baked beans on toast for a snack. And the beans must come from Heinz. But her favorite dish consists of fish and chips. “That smell. You cannot beat proper fish and chips,” she claimed. 

Tell us what you think. How do you feel about King Charles even limiting water between his two meals a day? And after you share your views, check back on our site for more royal family news.

celebrity dietsKing CharlesKing Charles dietQueen CamillaQueen Camilla dietRoyal FamilyRoyal Family News