King Charles EXPOSES LIES From Prince Harry And Meghan Markle!

Prince Harry soared to the top of best-seller lists with his tell-all memoir Spare. But did the Duke of Sussex tell the truth in relating the supposed horror of his royal upbringing? 

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A new report reveals how Harry’s father King Charles just undermined his son. And the King exposed the lies that Harry told in his memoir. But King Charles also revealed Meghan Markle’s fibs, as revealed below.

King Charles Exposes Prince Harry’s Lies!

Prince Harry achieved fame and fortune by penning his bombshell-packed memoir Spare. And in it, the Duke of Sussex painted a portrait of the royal family as lacking any warmth.

For instance, Harry claimed that his father King Charles never showed any affection to his son. But King Charles just unveiled a new documentary that undermines Harry’s allegations, per Newsweek.

King Charles EXPOSES LIES From Prince Harry And Meghan Markle!

And royal expert Emily Nash compared the King’s image of the royal family to Harry’s account in his memoir. The documentary “Charles III: The Coronation Year,” broadcast in Britain over Christmas, will interest “anyone who read Spare,” noted Nash. 

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And the royal expert pointed out that the documentary “painted a rather different image of the way the royal family interact” when compared with Harry’s memoir. After Spare’s release in January 2023, it became the fastest-selling non-fiction book in history. And it offered Harry’s views on growing up behind palace walls. But did he tell the truth? Not according to King Charles’ documentary.

Prince Harry Lied About Royal Lack Of Affection

And the Duke of Sussex used his memoir to repeatedly claim that the royal family never shows any affection. As a result, Harry boasted that he made sure to show his love to his own children. But the Duke of Sussex specifically alleged that he had never received a hug from his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II.

And Harry recalled what happened when his father, Charles, told him about the death of his mother Princess Diana. Only 12 years old at the time, Harry claims that Charles just patted his knee. However, Meghan Markle then followed up with her own complaints about the royal family’s supposed lack of hugs.

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And in Meghan’s and Harry’s Netflix documentary series, the Duchess of Sussex described her future sister-in-law Kate Middleton as cold and not responding to her embraces. And Meghan shared that she wanted to hug and always embraced others. But she claimed that affection seems “really jarring for a lot of Brits,” especially the royal family.

King Charles Kisses And Hugs His Family

However, to create the new documentary, the BBC followed Charles amid his first year on the throne. And the BBC’s cameras revealed the king kissing and hugging family members. For instance, Charles hugged and kissed Kate, Princess Charlotte, Prince George and his brother, the Duke of Edinburgh.

“Actually Charles is quite tactile,” royal expert Nash revealed. “We saw it even on the day after he returned to London following the Queen’s death. He was out there hugging people in the crowd.”

And she noted such affection represented “something we never saw the late Queen doing. And it was great, I think, to have that insight into that familial interaction.” But Nash also observed “a sense of humor that perhaps people hadn’t appreciated beforehand.”

However, King Charles did not respond to Harry’s allegations in his memoir. And Buckingham Palace reacted with a “no comment” statement about the book and Harry’s interviews. But the Duke of Sussex’s autobiography soared to become Britain’s top-selling title of the year.

Tell us what you think. How do you feel about the contrast between King Charles’ documentary and Prince Harry’s memoir? And after you share your views, check back on our site for more royal family news.

Editorial credit: bibiphoto /

Duchess of SussexDuke of SussexKing CharlesMeghan MarklePrince HarryRoyal FamilyRoyal Family News
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  • Paul Bailey

    I was born and raised in England and respected the Royal Family . I think the outsiders and some of the children have brought shame to the nation with their actions and lies ! I still honor the King but for me the rest of the family can just Piss Off !

  • Vicki K.

    It appears that Harry has a bad case of “sour grape syndrome” and his jealous heart is getting the best of him, encouraged by his wife.

  • TS Beans

    Harry’s book isn’t a best seller, never was.
    He & the w are liars of the first water!

  • Kristeen

    I think the best way to try to call someone else’s words false whether those are true or not is to act the opposite than they appear lies. I see a lot of truth in Prince Harry’s claims as some have been substantiated by others with no reason to and not wanting to be “siding” with him. But there are some I feel are exaggerated and that is what causes problems. My question is, is he even aware he is doing it, is it past trauma as that can cause recollections to vary. Our memories are shaded by the emotions we feel at the time. It affects how it gets stored and what stands out. Negative always stands out more vividly and the emotions are stronger.

  • Kris

    I think Harry remembers things the way he wants too, not totally accurate. But he also is thinking everyone else’s family was different, I was never hugged as a child, my mother was a victim of sexual assault and could not bare to be hugged. Didn’t mean she didn’t love me, I think Harry is just spoiled. And Meghan has insulted the entire British culture and people saying they are cold people, not to mention most their lies have been revealed

  • Kent

    I do not believe Harry or Megan. They want to become the special couple. Megan is the worst and constantly brings out race faults. She doesn’t bring anything constructive to the table.

  • Kelly Waddill

    I am so tried of poor P.Harry$Megan. Boo hoo. Does he really think that life as a prince was so BAD that he can pass people and children with real issues growing up? So he didn’t get a kiss and hug every 5 minutes of the hour. OMG Grow up and get a job like the rest of us and quit feeding on your EX-FAMILY.