King Charles Extends This Kind Gesture To Archie And Lilibet

King Charles is done with all of the royal feuding. He just wants his family back and he wants things to be the same way they were before.

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That might be one of the reasons why he’s decided to extend a kind gesture to Prince Harry, Meghan Markle and their two children, Archie and Lilibet.

He wants them all to come to London to celebrate his birthday. Here’s what you need to know.

Royal Family News: King Charles Extends This Kind Gesture To Archie And Lilibet

According to the latest reports, King Charles is going to have quite the birthday celebration when he turns 74 in November.

And while Prince Harry and Meghan Markle might not be on speaking terms with King Charles, he’s hoping to change all of that by inviting them to his birthday bash.

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Not only that, but this would also give the King of England an opportunity to spend time with his grandchildren, Archie and Lilibet, who he has rarely seen in the last several years.

Royal author Angela Levin, who has written many books about the royal family, told GB News: “Charles would want Harry and Meghan’s children there.

If Harry and Meghan want to make an excuse, that’s their decision. Harry will have to decide. The door is open.”

Should Meghan Markle decide not to come to London for the birthday party, Levin thinks there are still options for Harry to go. She added, “He could go on his own and bring Archie with him.”

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Will Prince Harry Travel Solo To The UK?

So far Prince Harry hasn’t made any comments on whether or not he would be interested in flying to the UK for his father’s birthday.

But seeing how he spent less than 48 hours in London for King Charles’ coronation, it’s very unlikely that he’ll want to make yet another trip to see his royal family members.

The last time he was there in May everyone gave him quite the cold shoulder and there’s a good chance that they will do it again, regardless if Meghan and the kids are there or not.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals, Hollywood actors, and reality television stars. We’ve got you covered.

Editorial credit: Michael Tubi /

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonKing CharlesMegexitMeghan MarklePrince and Princess Of WalesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • VLJ

    He needs to grow a pair and make adult decisions. Go to your father’s birthday party. At 70+ hiw many more will there be? ( of course then you couldnt wallow in self pity if you actually spent time with him).

  • ShanLee

    I think it is between Harry and his dad. I can’t stand these soapy articles encouraging gossip mongers to froth at the mouth and pant like a dog, talking about how awful Meghan is, how stupid Harry is, and how wronged the RF is. Wouldn’t it be refreshing if everyone just wished them well and stayed out of it? Particularly inventing stories to bash H&M when none of it is true?

  • Sherry

    This story is full of pooooooooooo, unless BP or King Charles says so, the story is a made up piece of pooo by this site……….this is for click bait and money.

  • Deborah

    NOTHING will ever be the same or go back to being what was…. H&M have done 10 lifetime’s worth of damage. Megan hates England & the RF for her “supposed slights”. So why would she go back??

  • Thomas116688

    Quote and unquote :- “…And his biggest fear is for his own children to go through difficulty “because of what he has gone through.”
    Please bear in mind,l that there is a new family and that said, things are different.
    Difference(s) is the issue, please.
    Being fair, as, if, humanly, possible to judging a spade a spade, at all times.
    Humans are made of fresh and blood coupled with emotions, sensitivity, instincts to say, the least. Amen.

  • Kay elizabeth Gray

    I really do feel for king Charles and his family having to deal with meghan and all her dramas,why can’t harry just stand up to her and put her in her place,it must be hard on lilibet and Archie not been able to see their grandparents and aunts,uncles and nieces, the king has extended many invitations for them to join the family but meghan seems to wear the pants and everyone suffers ,that’s my say and I wish king Charles a happy birthday.