King Charles Grand Birthday Wish For our People and Planet

British royal family news shows that King Charles celebrated his 75th birthday with a message of philanthropic hopefulness.

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On Tuesday, Nov. 14 the late Queen Elizabeth’s successor debuted his Coronation Food Project which aims to feed the needy via food that would otherwise be sent to landfills. He called it his “birthday wish for our people and planet.”

Royal News – Charles’ Philanthropic Venture

The monarch outlined his new venture in an article published in the Big Issue. He noted that it is tragic that millions of tons of useable food is wasted each year while too many people go hungry.

According to the Daily Mail, “His Majesty has revealed his birthday wish is to battle the twin problems of food waste and food poverty.”

Royal Family News – King Charles’ Bid to Eliminate Hunger

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King Charles’ goal with the Coronation Food Project is to rescue surplus food and give it to those in most need: “He revealed the project would supply commercial fridges and freezers to 800 locations across the country, and hoped to create regional food hubs to receive and redistribute surplus food.”

In his article he added “To mark my 75th birthday in this Coronation year, I could ask for no greater gift than that the Coronation Food Project creates a lasting legacy to help others – and help the planet.”

Charles wrote that the problem of food insecurity has troubled him for many years. His new venture coincides with an uneasy economy in the U.K,. with the cost of living squeezing more people than ever before.

Royal Family News – King Charles Turns 75

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On a brighter note, King Charles’ heir, Prince William, paid tribute to his father with a sentimental photo of him and Charles, along with pics from King Charles’ May coronation.

He captioned his post: “Wishing His Majesty The King a very happy 75th birthday!”

Royal Family News – Charles’ Milestone Birthday

In addition, the royal family’s official Instagram shared a slideshow of photos from the monarch’s childhood, his military service, fatherhood to Prince William and Prince Harry, and his ascension to the throne.

The monarch began his birthday celebrations on Monday, with two events in which other Brits born in 1948 were his guests—it’s good to be King!

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Editorial credit: I T S /

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