King Charles Is Being Criticized For His ‘Pomp And Circumstance’

King Charles is having the hardest time ever winning over any of his critics lately. In fact, the King of England was highly criticized for having a small ceremony to welcome him outside the gates of Balmoral Castle.

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A lot of people believe that it was simply unnecessary. Here’s what you need to know.

King Charles Is Being Criticized For His ‘Pomp And Circumstance’

Dressed in a Scottish kilt, the King of England was welcomed by a guard of honour outside the gates og Balmoral Castle, which has traditionally been considered the summer home of the British Royal Family.

And while no one would have thought twice about it had Queen Elizabeth been honored in this same way, King Charles just doesn’t have that same touch.

A lot of critics seem to believe that this is too much for a man who has seemingly done too little.

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It goes without saying that many royal fans and critics alike sure had a lot to say about the matter on social media. Some have even commented with, Appalling.. the guy who swore to change and slim down the monarchy.

Man, he relishes this ridiculous adulation,” along with, “An utter waste of public money and time that would have better served his subjects had it been used by the local council to provide social care to the vulnerable or to support local public transport. The monarchy is wrong in principle & practice.”

Another critic wrote, “It’s about time there was serious cutting back. No wonder they cost us so much.

Much of the younger generation don’t care about them, and now the (real) Queen has gone, their time is ticking.”

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Royal Fans Aren’t Impressed With The Monarchy Lately

So far Buckingham Palace has not made any comments about the matter, although at this point it’s doubtful that anything will be said.

But with the way things are going, King Charles is going to have a hard time trying to convince anyone that the monarchy does have a place in modern society, and especially with all of the pomp and circumstance that comes with it.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts.

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  • Dolly

    They have the wrong King. He waited so long to get the throne he wants recognition. Prince Charles wants to contribute to help all and working hard in many facets to do it. He is not interested in pimp and circumstances. He will make a great king if Charles doesn’t screw up the monarchy.