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King Charles Is Seething Mad At Prince William And Kate Middleton

King Charles is seething mad at Prince William and Kate Middleton. That’s because he’s tired of the way that they have been stealing his thunder on almost a weekly basis.

That’s because the Prince and Princess of Wales sure do get more attention than King Charles does at his own royal engagements. Here’s what you need to know.

King Charles Is Seething Mad At Prince William And Kate Middleton

Clive Irving, who often has one thing or another to say about the royal family, put it this way in a new interview with the Daily Beast,There’s a great deal of feeling that William understands the mood and the reality on the ground far more than Charles ever will”

King Charles Is Seething Mad At Prince William And Kate Middleton

He continued, “They worked out a kind of accommodation of how much limelight each is going to be allowed, because Charles is always very jealous of other people stealing his limelight. He’s worked out a deal now, whereby William and Kate can have an allotted percentage of the limelight.”

It goes without saying that many royal fans and critics sure had a lot to say about the matter on social media.

Some of them commented with, This deep jealousy has ruled Charles’ life. This jealousy is why he despised Diana, Harry and Meghan were driven away, security removed, evicted, and Charles leaves town when Harry arrives,” along with, “This. Charles has a jealous spirit. He was jealous of Diana, Harry, Meghan – even his own mother. ESPECIALLY his mother because of how beloved she is/was. And William is as well. They have very similar personalities in that way.”

What’s Next For King Charles?

And then there was this comment as well, “Yeah, Charles has always been this way. Remember Diana. And I’m pretty sure that part of his problem with Harry and Meghan was the threat they posed to his non-existent popularity. Now, comes William and Kate, two charisma vacuums if there ever were, and even they overshadow Charles.”

Kensington Palace has made no comments about the matter.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts.

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Editorial credit: Manfred Roeben /

  1. Dollie says

    Yea , he wants his sons to do good but not too good..he wants them to represent the Kingdom but not too good…his bad upbringing staring to show..and costing and instigating issues…to stay in the limelight…the same as Camila….Price Harry always gets a raw deal no matter how good he does
    .never good enough.

  2. Sherry says

    Hogwash…….what a silly thing to say about King Charles, do you personally know him to say he said that to you?

  3. Dolly says

    The US has Biden and UK has Charles. Both of them are not playing with a full deck. He and Harry both have some mental issues but he is the king. Unfortunately, neither Biden or Charles has the full respect or popularity of their constituents or for that matter I think other countries. This is just my opinion.

  4. Deborah says

    Charles knows he’ll never live up his mother. W&C come far closer to being Elizabeth equal. He’s just plain jealous.

  5. Babs says

    He’s just jealous because his son and daughter in law are both better looking than he is. He knows that he will never measure up. And Prince. Harry is a screw up just like his Uncle Prince Andrew.

  6. Mimi says

    This is century old royalty they know how to conduct themselves in public you have a commoner not from England who is exposed to the royalty but a commoner from our country the USA. She tracked him she stalked him on the Internet she wanted him she thought he was the one desperate person that she could get She said oh he is the spare he is the weak minded one he’s the one I can take in control and that’s exactly what she did remember when they were dating and they were going they would meet royalty of other countries they would be walking up Harry would extend his hand and the other person would extend theirs Megan would cut Prince Harry off and she would cut in between them and she would shake their hand as though Hare was not even standing there some men of other countries do not even shake the females hand but you weren’t gonna stop her because she was gonna make sure that she was in that limelight and that she had the portfolio to prove it Why are these pictures being showed how she did that time after time after time the other thing was when princess Catherine was accused of making her cry at frogmore cottage…. No Princess Kate had left and those grounds were huge and had a arrived you would think that she had cried herself dry but she was still laying on the floor crying no she waited till she seen Hare coming and then she politely laid herself on the floor and then she started crying she probably threw water in her eyes and this is what Harry got to see remember when she told us she could make herself cry one tear from her left eye and at the funeral she cried one tear from her left eye she even acted at Queen Elizabeth II funeral come on you can’t get more narcissistic than that had left. I’m glad Diana is not here to see that the same issues Harry had as a child he still has as an adult and never take control or ownership. Prince William did not ask to be born first he probably would like to have a more relaxed life but he also knows YOU HAZ could never handle the pressure as a child you said you would be King. If Markle was ever Queen Diana would not roll over in her grave she would come out snatch the current tiara she was wearing for breakfast and say GET OUT! Shut up Harry…. GUARDS GETS THIS PIECE of TRASH out of our country now send her back to America postage due! Whew! That felt good may I go back to my grave a rest peacefully Harry and don’t ever let me hear that would HAZ again!

  7. Mimi says

    Who in her lifetime could live up to her standards you can never compare anyone to her she became Queen at age 25 she stood boot to boot with her troops. You are asking if her son can live up to her standards and everything she went through is no more so how do you compare.. you cannot!!! This ⁉️ is really pitiful and his Mother the Queen would have resented it being asked. King Charles’s III has been KING how long? and she was QUEEN how long? Do you even think the questions through or better yet…. Do you try to answer the question before asking the public? 9 out of 10 you would probably embarrass yourself. I served in the US Navy
    70& 80’s today my Navy is obsolete compared to all the technology we have today and I tha God for our Sailors. Why wouldn’t you want the same for you King?

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