King Charles Makes Kind Offer To Meghan Markle: Her Demanding Response Stuns Him!

Royal family news reports increasingly reveal tension between King Charles and his son Prince Harry, as well as Harry’s wife Meghan Markle. But many assumed that the problems began when Harry and Meghan abandoned their royal duties and moved to California. That exit, combined with their slams against the royal family in interviews, definitely did contribute to the rift. 

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However, a new book shows that the tension between Charles and Meghan began much earlier. Learn about the King’s kind gesture and how Markle’s response shocked him. Get all the details below. 

Meghan Markle Released Statement Before Wedding

When Meghan Markle and Prince Harry made their wedding plans, the royal family assumed that her father would walk her down the aisle. However, that plan didn’t work out. And so Meghan needed to find a new escort for her walk down the wedding aisle to tie the knot with Harry. As a result, Charles made a kind gesture, according to a royal biographer per the Daily Express.

Describing what happened before Meghan and Harry tied the knot on May 19, 2018, at Windsor Castle, royal biographer Robert Hardman’s just-published Queen of Our Times: The Life of Elizabeth II explains what led to Charles’ kindness. Rumors had swirled about if Meghan’s father, Thomas Markle Sr., would walk her down the aisle. However, prior to the wedding, Meghan released an unusual statement.

“Sadly, my father will not be attending our wedding. I have always cared for my father and hope he can be given the space he needs to focus on his health. I would like to thank everyone who has offered generous messages of support. Please know how much Harry and I look forward to sharing our special day with you,” stated Markle.

King Charles Stunned At Meghan Markle’s Reaction To His Kindness

Because tradition calls for a family member to walk the bride down the aisle, the royal family then assumed that Meghan’s mother, Doria Ragland, would do the honors. But then Charles felt compassionate toward his future daughter-in-law. And so Markle’s soon to be father-in-law told Meghan that he would feel honored to escort her up the aisle of St. George’s Chapel to the alter.

However, Charles felt stunned at Markle’s reaction. Because in response to his compassionate offer and gracious phrasing about feeling honored to escort her, Meghan made a four-word demand. And she indicated that she wanted to make an all-eyes-on-her solo entrance.

“Feeling for his future daughter-in-law, the Prince of Wales offered to step in,” recalled the royal biographer. And Charles said he would be “honored to escort Meghan up the aisle of St George’s Chapel to the altar. The reply was not quite what he was expecting: ‘Can we meet halfway?’” demanded Markle. 

King Charles Recognized Meghan Markle’s Independence

As a result, Charles immediately recognized that Harry had chosen an extremely independent woman who wanted to make her majestic entrance by herself. However, in some ways, Harry didn’t understand what Meghan’s change to Charles’ generous offer meant. Because the Duke of Sussex later said of his father, “He immediately said, ‘Yes, of course, I’ll do whatever Meghan needs and I’m here to support you’.”

And Harry even thought that Charles’ offer would give his father “a fantastic opportunity to step up and be that support.” But sadly, Markle chose to prioritize keeping all eyes on her when she entered the church. As a result, she told Charles what to do rather than graciously accepting his offer. 

Tell us what you think. How do you feel that Meghan Markle should have reacted to King Charles offering to escort her down the aisle? And do you think Prince Harry recognized what it meant that his bride told his father how to behave at the wedding? After you share your views, check back on our site for more royal family news.

Editorial credit: Marcin Kadziolka /

King CharlesMeghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle UpdatesPrince HarryRoyal Family News
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  • Marita Gower

    I think Meghan is a very selfish and mean gold digger, that has tied Harry around her finger, I can’t believe she is so rude. She is the one that has taken him away from his family, Harry is so dumb in love he can’t see what she is doing, maybe he does and she is holding the kids over his head as hostage.

    • Rhonda

      i think you are wrong Marita. We as the general public can only hear what we are told and most of the
      time i think it is just rubbish.
      Harry from what I understand wanted out of the royal fish bowl and he met and fell in love with Megan.
      She is a strong woman and yes probably a bit controlling but she loves Harry, I think we can see that
      with her constant affectionate touches.
      I believe they are both very happy together and I wish them well.

      • Vanessa

        I agree with you 1000 percent. THANK YOU.

    • Vanessa

      You need to stop YOUR foolishness.You make no sense at all STOP.

  • Ann Browne

    Meghan is not the first bride to have someone meet them halfway and she won’t be the last. What bride does’nt want all eyes on them. Stop being soooo petty! Give grace and grace will be given. We all deserve some leeway or wiggle room.


      Ann you are sooo right ✅️.

    • Joanne C

      I Thought it was okay that Meghan wanted to start on her journey down the aisle alone. I thought she made a nice compromise. After all she was in her middle 30’s and had an independent life.

      • Alice

        …there’s no reason why anyone should have walked her down the aisle to ‘give her away’. Well, except maybe her previous husband but that would have been a bit awkward, wouldn’t it?

  • Katy Robbart

    The idea that a man has to walk you down the aisle and give you to another man is so prehistoric she probably just didn’t want to participate in that absurd tradition. I’m sure she did not mean to ruffle his feathers. She is an independent woman that does not need to be given to anyone


      I am thinking the same way Thank you.



    • Vanessa

      You are so disrespectful.

  • Patricia

    For Charles to offer, we’ll he said honored to walk her down the aisle. That was a very great offer for him to do. But since she’s married into that family, she didn’t like any of it. She got her way, went back to California to prance around as she’s the Queen of California. An she’s not Royalty in UK, but she thinks she is in California. I have no use for that California Ho.


      And she has NO USE FOR YOU AND YOUR DISRESPECTFUL ASS.BY THE WAY California doesn’t look at her as a Queen No one does in the USA she just happen to be Married to Harry.I wish them happiness and health.

  • Tramon



      How crazy you sound .Who wants to live with their family when they get married. It was time for them to leave to make their own way.Birds kick their young out of the nest.Harry is not the future king William is and his son.Magin is his family you need to get that thru your thick head.Harry is a HUBSAND and father that is his family.
      People like you just don’t get it shame on you.

  • Ella

    I think the bride should make the choices for her wedding. There is no proof this is how the conversation progressed. This bashing of women taking control of their lives is redundant and shameful.

    • Vanessa

      Thank You.

  • Bill

    What do you expect?
    Look at Daddy.
    Look at Brother.
    Megan is just like them

  • Lor

    She thinks she’s so important and above them and have them wrapped around her little finger, so she gets what she wants. All she want is the limelight, and wants to be noticed above the orhers, spoilt brat is what she is

    • Barbara Rice 58 percent British!

      Megan is a US! Citizen or was prior to her marriage! She thinks American! Looks like Charles was showing off his power tome. Good for Megan!

  • Arthur Reddick

    Meghan has some correct things to say about Mental Health since Mental Health should be only for those people with very serious mental health problems, as all of its medication is poison for the natural brain. However, it takes a long time to learn to be a correct Royal and, then, it is sometimes not suitable for that person.

  • Rick

    Does anybody really give a crap what these self-indulgent “royals” do or think??? Imagine what all the money they have and control could do for the UK? All this BS is so yesterday. Dissolve it all and sell-off all the properties and use the billions for the betterment of the UK.

  • Lila

    It’s all sad

  • Dorothea Gollaher

    I agree with Martia- I feel bad for Prince Harry, but I don’t like Megan. I never heard of her before the wedding. She has enough of her own $$, she doesn’t have put her hands in the Royal coffers. She is selfish, spoiled, and should keep out of Royal business, even if it does involve Harry. I understand why Harry stepped back from Royal Duties, because of the way his Mother was always being hounded by the Press. Megan should understand his feelings and stop doing things to get her name and face in said Press.

  • Terri

    I think she is rude and disrespectful to her elders and she will get done ugly someday maybe by her future daughter in-law. Then let’s see how she feels and Harry needs to grow some balls…

  • Geraldine Johnson

    I have been following The Royals.. Megan was not born in A Royal. Her independence should be applauded. I have yet to see what The Royals have done for the people under British Rule. The people are still living in the same way they were living over 60 years ago in underdeveloped countries under the British rule. What have The Royals done for anybody? Just a bunch of figureheads. How sad.

  • Florence

    There’s no doubt that the worst thing that happened to Prince Harry is Meghan. She has completely scuttled his destiny. It’s so unfortunate how gullible some people can be.

  • Norma

    Anyone that watched the proceedings at the venue cld see the shock and horror in the faces of the entire family. The total disregard for everything known by the locals. Brits and royals were in utter shock. M completely disregarded tradition & imposed her woke ideas to appease Hollywood ‍♀️

  • Mmabatho

    Whise wedding was it? I thought it was Megan’s wedding

  • JR

    Meghan has been acting like a spoiled, entitled brat. Instead of being appreciative and gracious at being welcomed into the royal family, she has been petty and demanding, way beyond what someone in her position deserves. She has blatantly flaunted the time honored royal traditions so dear to the British people, almost to the point of ridiculing them. Her independent minded focus on me me me is polar opposite of the traditional royal attitude of service to their people. And dragging the race card into this is just low class, period. Both Meghan and her mother were treated with grace and class so typical of the royal family. They were sincerely welcomed into the royal family. I dearly wish that Harry had found his soulmate among his peers, rather than this selfish, unappretiative egotist.

  • Gina

    First of all “HOW RUDE”!!!!!!; Sounds to me like the bride to be is definitely self centered and cares about nobody’s feelings except her own. She should have graciously accepted his offer. It also makes me think Prince Harry will never really fit in with their marriage because she will always want things her way or no way at all. She acts like a spoiled brat that doesn’t know the meaning of the word no nor does she worry about overstepping boundaries. I bet her kids are being raised the same way. Prince Harry definitely has his hands full.

    • Vanessa

      If Harry loves that why are you so jealous.He has had all kinds of women.She is what he wants you better get use to it.I think he really loves her and she loves him too.

  • Ccgale

    MAGGET Markle knows she can try to control Harry but the royals have had enough of this self centered Narssisitic ..its all about her she name her daughter Lilbet to taunt the queen .didn’t work because the queen seen what a evil wicked tramp she is..

    • Vanessa

      This is how dumb you really are for you to call her names like that if I were Magin I would sue you for defamation of character and insult ones dignity. YOU NEED TO WATCH WHAT THE HELL YOU ARE SAYING. YOU ARE RUDE AND MEAN SPIRITED.YOU CAST BAD VIBS.JUST NOT A GOOD HUMAN BEING.

  • Donna

    She is a Very Very Very selfish girl..and needs to grow up and Not Everything is about her..She should have excepted Prince Charles invite…She showed who she really is when she did not want her own father there…but it was ok for her Mother to be there….how RUDE SHE CAN BE!!!.

    • Vanessa

      You don’t know really what’s going on when it comes to her father soooo go pound sand mind you business. MAGIN WILL HANDEL HER FATHER IN HER TIME NOT YOURS OR MINE. GET OVER IT.

  • Susan

    Charles was being so kind. Now he is the king and really could have bragged about that. I think all the pomp of the funeral and the jubilee is finally showing her what she missed. Not so smart. Harry, you are one of the weakest men. Please go back home and take her with you.

    • Vanessa

      Harry is home The USA.

  • Diva

    First of all it was THEIR WEDDING. 2. The offer was a nice gesture, but EVERYONE has an agenda. 3. I have situations in my life that are more important than those people. 4. Why is everyone whined so tight?

    • Sca

      She wanted all eyes on her, this was her second time down the isle, she new what the rules were before she got married, just like wearing a white dress, she was far from being pure, she the type of person who wants to be in control, she thought she would come in and tell the people of the UK what to to do, if not she would pull the racist card.

  • Roselinda Kahler

    Meghan, is a self centered bossy person. King Charles needs to banish them both. Let t hem get real jobs t o support themselves. I guarantee they won’t be living in a Manson

  • Peggy Ferrugia

    I believe the gesture was gracious and caring and since Ms. Meagan wanted all eyes on her coming into the church she could have diplomatically without attitude asked if it would be ok to meet half way up the isle! She did not need to be a diva or bridezilla. She is rather curt at times and truly there is no need to be. You get more with sugar than you do with lemons!

  • Vanessa

    It was her wedding day THE bride should call the shots. CHARLES NEEDS TO GET OVER HIMSELF.

  • Marilyn

    You are NOT telling the story correct. Prince Harry ask his Father to walk Meghan down the aisle. This is why there is so much falsehood going around. This is the second story not telling the truth.

  • Jan eckhart

    Harry and Megan are in love-best wishes to them, BuT, it is a problem when she is estranged from all of her family and now they are becoming estranged from Harry’s’ family is an important issue. Hope things work out for them, but cutting off family ties is not good, especially for the children.