Meghan Markle’s Favorite Magazine The Cut Trashes King Charles, Readers Left Outraged

British royal family news divulges that readers have been left outraged after Meghan Markle’s, “left-wing US magazine The Cut has launched an extraordinary assault on King Charles.”

AMP in the post

The king was bullied as he, “mourned and marched behind his mother’s coffin as she left Buckingham Palace for the last time yesterday.” The Cut left many readers in disbelief and shock after labeling the grief stricken monarch, “a big, fussy baby and a jerk.”

Royal Family News – The Cut Is Audacious

The Cut is now infamous for its interview with Meghan prior to her latest visit to the UK. Meghan, who calls herself the Duchess of Sussex, made the outrageous claim that her husband Harry “lost” his father after they both abandoned the monarchy. Later, after immense backlash, one of her friends walked the statement back, claiming the comment was misinterpreted.

But, “Meghan made a series of other apparent swipes at her British family, claiming they had been treated differently to other senior royals, and warned she could ‘say anything’ in an interview promoting her Spotify podcast.”

Royal Family News – The Cut Trashed King Charles

Meghan and Harry were in the UK purely by chance when Queen Elizabeth passed away last Thursday. Harry, sans Meghan, rushed to be at her side for a final goodbye, but he was too late. The country is now in a ten day mourning period and the Queen’s state funeral will take place on Monday.

AMP in the post

According to the Daily Mail, “The offensive article in the liberal New York magazine is likely to upset the Royal Family as it grieves the loss of Britain’s longest-reigning monarch. The New York Times has also been accused of plumbing new depths in its campaign of ‘sneering’, ‘anti-British propaganda’ in recent days that has seen Britons cancel their subscriptions.”

Writer Claire Lampen also labeled Charles a, “persnickety snob,” and, “refers to King Charles III as the ‘Queen’ throughout and makes claims about the King and Queen Consort’s sex life. Last month she also made lewd comments about Prince William and speculation about the sexual proclivity of his royal relatives.”

Royal Family News – Why Is The Cut Trashing The Royal Family?

The critical article spawned a ton of negative comments, with one reader posting, “It is sad to read such nonsense. But maybe this should be expected from a little comic that recently ran an article called “Meghan of Montecito”. Yesterday’s pictures from London will have shown the world how much we love and respect our Monarchy, including our wonderful new King.”

AMP in the post

Britain has embraced King Charles following the loss of their beloved monarch who loyally served the country for 70 years before her death at age 96.

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Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonKing CharlesMegexitMeghan MarklePrince and Princess Of WalesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Jezz

    Obviously this comic has no prospective or intelligence behind the running of its business. Yes, you could claim King Charles isn’t as self-controlled as his mother, he’s more emotional. However, how can such a self-righteous article be written when those responsible obviously support and would back two antagonists and disloyal members of the Kings family. Spoiled family brats who have spent the past two or more years being far worse than Charles when it comes down to petty, childish, attention seeking cry babies. Whatever criticism anyone may have of Charles, he has never slandered Harry or Meghan for profit or personal gain to the media. Look at this situation for what it is and the cold hard truth. It doesn’t matter what race or color a person is, I am sure we can all agree when it comes down to the basics of this situation, No Decent Person would like a a family member and his wife who, are making up stories for unprofessional journalists, who are so desperate for publicity they won’t check the facts or integrity of their production. How can anyone watch a this display and not be disgusted by two family members, who will one minute publicly trash their family whilst their grandparents are sick and dying and the next complain that they are not getting enough opportunity to parade about shaking hands and being seen to fake stage sorrowful displays of reading notes of condolence on flowers left by people who probably loved the Queen and had more respect for her than Harry or Meghan has ever had. People who would probably rather cut out their tongue than slander their Queen. Harry and Meghan takes people for fools, they think they can hoodwink us all with one minute spewing their hate for their family and the next complaining their not getting their fair share of the family profits, the adulation, titles, or ability to wear the military uniforms of the country Harry has now been seen on numerous video clips stating he doesn’t even like. If Harry dislikes the UK so much why does he want so desperately to wear the uniform that stands for loyalty, honor and the willingness to fight to the death to protect King and Country. Harry is the poster child for hypocrisy NOTHING this manchild says can be taken as honest or genuine. He must be the most stupid public figure of all time. Whether anyone love or hates the royals, no one with any sense could believe or follow and be a fan of the ridiculous hypocrisy Harry and his wife Meghan stand for.

  • Thea

    Completely agree!! Meghan actually said that SHE didn,’t want her kids to grow up speaking with an English accent, but has the gaul to resent they won’t be entitled to be styled with an HRH??? How hyocritical of the “social-climbming- cum- golddigger”! She deserves being kicked out of the royal family!! Poor Harry gave it all up for that selfish bit*h!!

  • Sid

    Well said!

  • H McKee

    Daddy Chafles spoke badly to his younger son. He probably wasn’t the only one seeing how his elder brother has treated Harry. They hide behind their HRH and laugh and point. Harry said, I’m telling the world how bad your heart really is.
    So now, again, Daddy’s upset.
    How can the British “anything”, say HARRY started this when it was clear they’ve never liked HIS choice to marry.
    Everyone accepted Charles choice…she’s right next to him.
    He was given grace after he and divorce’ Camio crushed Diana’s heart. Where is that same grace for Meghan? Where? Point it out. Go ahead.
    There is no grace.
    You were given so much Charles and Camio.
    You just don’t have the capacity to give it back.
    And who is Kate to treat any outside badly. There but for the grace of God go she.

    It’s such a shame there is NO example of love since Diana is gone.
    The world is watching and ugly stares is all you’ve got. Anyone can speak to the public and take flowers. You want grace and love but can’t show it.
    Icy attitudes only get your actions reported in another Oprah interview. I don’t think Harry Meghan care if you ice them out. You’re true colors are brightly shining. Wow.
    So bright.

    Where is the love and grace you so freely received. ?????

  • H McKee

    Daddy Charles spoke badly to his younger son. He probably wasn’t the only one seeing how his elder brother has treated Harry. They hide behind their HRH and laugh and point. Harry said, I’m telling the world how bad your heart really is.
    So now, again, Daddy’s upset.
    How can the British “anything”, say HARRY started this when it was clear they’ve never liked HIS choice to marry.
    Everyone accepted Charles choice…she’s right next to him.
    He was given grace after he and divorce’ Camio crushed Diana’s heart. Where is that same grace for Meghan? Where? Point it out. Go ahead.
    There is no grace.
    You were given so much Charles and Camio.
    You just don’t have the capacity to give it back.
    And who is Kate to treat any outside badly. There but for the grace of God go she.

    It’s such a shame there is NO example of love since Diana is gone.
    The world is watching and ugly stares is all you’ve got. Anyone can speak to the public and take flowers. You want grace and love but can’t show it.
    Icy attitudes only get your actions reported in another Oprah interview. I don’t think Harry Meghan care if you ice them out. You’re true colors are brightly shining. Wow.
    So bright.

    Where is the love and grace you so freely received. ?????

    • Denise

      Where have you seen a a comment the King has said about his son publicly besides he loves his son and wife. The only public statements that have been negative are from Harry and Megan. Everything being said is from the two that are getting paid to say it. Should we all feel bad that they almost could not afford their 14 million dollar home. About Kate she has acted more like Princess Diana with love a grace. The late princess was about giving not taking and that has been what Kate has done. Stop listening to rag mags and get facts not feelings.

  • RKS

    Well by that description of King Charles, Harry is certainly a chip off the old block!

  • Violet

    Well said.