Meghan Markle Absent From Oprah Winfrey’s Birthday Party, Sparks Snub Rumors!

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry famously joined Oprah Winfrey for a memorable interview soon after leaving the royal family. And both the Duchess and Duke of Sussex dropped quotable bombshells during that interview. But neither Meghan nor Harry attended Oprah’s recent birthday party.

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As a result, rumors have soared about the reasons. For instance, does the Sussex couple’s absence stem from their decision to snub Oprah?Or did Winfrey decide not to extend an invitation to Meghan and Harry because they would steal the spotlight with their love for drama?

Add in the potential that the Duchess and Duke might record private conversations for use in a podcast or book, and those snub rumors gather steam. Get more details below.

Meghan Markle – MIA From Oprah Winfrey’s Birthday Party: Why?!

Oprah Winfrey supposedly formed a solid bond with Meghan Markle and Prince Harry during her famous interview with the Duchess and Duke of Sussex. As a result, Meghan’s and Harry’s notable absence from Oprah’s recent birthday party sent the gossip mill into overtime. And rumors focused on two theories.

First, some thought that Markle made the decision to skip Oprah’s party. But that seemed like a baffling theory. Because the Duchess adores celebrity events, why would she want to avoid Winfrey’s star-studded birthday? Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Lopez, Sharon Stone, Rita Wilson, Sofia Vergara and Heidi Klum ranked high on the list of stars helping Winfrey blow out the candles on the cake celebrating her 69th year, according to Fox News.

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However, others speculated that Winfrey decided to omit the Duchess and Duke of Sussex from her birthday guest list. And that reason stems from Harry’s and Meghan’s reputation. Royal family expert Kinsey Schofield shared she felt no surprise at the couple’s absence. “Harry and Meghan aren’t invited anywhere because all eyes would be on them. And it would distract from the cause or event.”

Duchess And Duke Of Sussex Seen As ‘Untrustworthy Drama’!

Because the Sussex couple earned a reputation for “drama,” no PR folks want to extend invitations, according to Kinsey. And the two have become known for staging dramatic situations. “The reality is that they are seen as drama,” she added. “They are also considered untrustworthy and a private conversation you have with them could end up repeated on a podcast, a reality show, or within a book.”

But Christopher Andersen, another royal expert, believes that Meghan and Oprah teamed up to agree on the wisdom of the Sussex clan’s absence. “I think people are reading a lot more into this supposed snub than they should. My reading of the situation is that both Oprah and the Sussexes realize this is a very delicate moment for Harry and Meghan as we approach the coronation of King Charles,” shared Andersen.

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And the royal family expert believes that Meghan and Harry agreed on the wisdom of skipping Winfrey’s glamorous high-profile birthday. “Appearing at such a glitzy, high-profile event with Hollywood A-listers to honor Oprah is not what the Sussexes need right now,” he explained. “That would certainly rub King Charles the wrong way, not to mention an already hostile British public. I’m certain Harry and Meghan remain on friendly terms and are keeping the whole Oprah/H&M thing on the down-low.”

Tell us what you think. Do you believe that Oprah Winfrey snubbed Meghan Markle and Prince Harry and avoided inviting them to her birthday party? And after you share your views, check back on our site for more royal family news.

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