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Meghan Markle Accused Of Breaking King Charles’ Heart

Meghan Markle Accused Of Breaking King Charles’ HeartIt looks like her decision has been made. There’s a new report that says Meghan Markle is being accused of breaking King Charles’ heart.

That’s because she’s decided against bringing her two children Archie and Lilibet to the UK in May even though the King of England has supposedly been begging to see his grandchildren.

As many royal fans know, King Charles is currently dealing with his cancer battle and things aren’t looking very good for him. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Royal Family News – Meghan Markle Accused Of Breaking King Charles’ Heart

Meghan Markle is being accused of breaking King Charles’ heart. That’s because she’s decided against bringing her kids Archie and Lilibet to the UK in the coming weeks.

As many royal fans are aware of by now, both Prince Harry and Meghan are expected to be in London for the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games.

But the Duchess of Sussex thinks it’s too much of a security risk to allow her children to travel to the UK right now, leaving King Charles absolutely heartbroken over her decision. He knows that he doesn’t have much time left and wants to see his family as much as possible.

One royal expert by the name of Charlotte Griffiths even said, I can see Charles desperately wanting to see the children, and extending this olive branch to Meghan and Harry. He may decide that life is just too short. Balmoral is truly the perfect, restful place for a reunion. If he does issue an invite, then Harry and Meghan should surely agree to the visit.”

Royal Family News – What’s Next For The Sussexes?

But when Meghan Markle makes up her mind, she certainly doesn’t change it. Buckingham Palace has not made any comments about the matter.

It’s being said that Prince Harry might not even make it to the Invictus Games ceremony and might phone it in by making a virtual appearance instead. We will definitely update you with all of the latest details as they come in.

Tell us, what do you think about this story? Leave us your thoughts in our comments section below.

Also, watch this space for all of the latest breaking news. Come back to Celebrating the Soaps for everything you need to know about The British Royal Family.

Editorial credit: Alan Fraser Images /

1 Comment
  1. Mary says

    She is simply protecting her children. If Charles weren’t so stingy… he could provide security for Harry’s family.

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