Meghan Markle Acted Like A Juvenile On Return To The UK, Prince Harry Looked Anxious

British royal family news shows that Meghan Markle gave a speech Monday night which was described as a failed body language experiment: “giggles, nose wrinkles and coy expressions.” She also referred to herself as that girl from “Suits” proving that she has done nothing worthwhile since ditching the royal family.

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The Duke and Duchess of Excess were in Britain and were received the same was they excited in June, amid boos. A body language expert broke down the former basic cable actress’s tawdry performance and perhaps she should reapply for her former gig as a nearly nude game show girl?

Royal Family News – Meghan Is Not Qualified?

According to body language expert Judi James, Meghan was full of, “long blinks and nose-wrinkles as she referenced,” Prince Harry who sat in the front row with a scowl on his face. If he doesn’t want to be in a suit and tie watching his wife, what does this say, he’d rather be sweating on his polo pony?

The occasion was the One Young World summit in Manchester Monday Evening. James noted that chicken whisperer Harry looked, “much more ill-at-ease on his return to the UK, responding by looking down and then upward with what looked like a sigh.”

Maybe he was displeased that no one is taking his demand to receive Queen-Elizabeth-type security seriously? He is in the UK despite his, “legal battle with the Home Office rumbles on after they were denied 24/7 taxpayer-funded armed police bodyguards.”

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Royal Family News – Harry Is Scowling

James reported that Harry, “didn’t appear as comfortable,” as his ex show biz wife. “His anxiety rituals were frequent, suggesting a desire to self-reassure as he touched his clothing and checked his tie several times.” Why so worried Harry? Worried that Megs will open her mouth and insert her hooves again? Meghan talked on Monday after a string of disastrous utterances in two podcasts and one interview.

Royal Family News – Meghan Is A Laugh Riot

Last week Meghan said that South Africans were as happy for her marrying Harry as they were when Nelson Mandela was released from prison. She kept up her ludicrous statements on Monday, assuring the crowd that she was, “happy to be back in the UK.” And if you buy that, there are icebergs for sale in Hades. The Markle’s have two more appearances to go on their “pseudo royal tour,” and the good news is that there is nowhere to go but up.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

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Editorial credit: DFree /

Meghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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  • Janet Mahoney

    The Harkles are now going to visit the Queen as they’ve been informed, she’s in bad shape. I certainly hope they don’t let MM in the room. She is hardly a family member & can’t be compared to Kate, who is. I think her presence would just upset the queen & The Meg would just be vying for attention the whole time and complaining how badly she was treated afterwards.

  • Wedontlikee BitterBetties

    Tanya is a therapist? Hopefully she’s seeing a therapist too if this is the drivel that occupies her mind.

    If your journalism/writing career is writing gossip about a woman “wrinkling” her nose – you don’t get to talk about another woman not doing anything worthwhile. That’s just embarrassing for you. You should be embarrassed you even published this.

  • Bob Smith

    I don’t follow the couple on the news but the author of this article should be fired for publishing a one-sided story to bash the couple with cheap shots such as the cable actress and so on. I don’t k ow if kissing ass is the author’s habit because the queen is dead and now she/he can brown nose Charles ass.

  • Frances Bailie

    I’m so very vexed at the amount of hatred some people have towards Meagan Markle n Harry. I’m not a fan of either of them but in this day n age people just say all n anything without thinking of what people feel upon reading their nasty comments. I wish people would just stay quiet n keep their thoughts to themselves. If nothing nice to say. Be sweet n Don’t say anything at all

  • Carolyn

    MM is useless, unless you count her writing Henry’s speeches and controlling his every movement narcissistic victim should go back to CA .

  • Susan

    Kindness is not something you people pratice,do you all walk on water too?