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Meghan And Prince Henry To Make $1M
It was reported in January that Markle was in talks with Oprah and Ellen Degeneres in order to do a tell-all interview. This suggested that they were using Megxit as a way to gain something as well as being a way to earn cash which some believe that they are desperate for money. They have been seen touring multi-million homes in Malibu, and they would be stuck with a security detail that would be over $2.5 million a year. They will receive about $2 million from Prince Charles.
Megan Wants To Open Up Home To Public
When the news of Meghan and Harry leaving England came out, Megan took a lot of flak for them coming to that decision. She now thinks it is a good idea to allow cameras to film their home and family life as She claims that this would be a good way to win back public support and sway public opinion. Since the move, Megan has begun working with Disney doing voiceover for The Mouse House, where he plays the doc “Elephant.”
It seems that the move has been weighing heavily on Prince Harry. He has been slammed by Angela Levin, who is his biographer that spent more than a year accompanying the royal of his engagement. She does not seem to care for the recent behavior of Prince Harry and describes him as being charismatic, intuitive, and quick-witted as well as restless and trouble.
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Angela is not the only one who disapproves of the actions of Prince Harry and his decisions. Levin has also put in input in as well saying
“Their choice of priorities smacks more of spoilt defiant teenagers than adults in their mid and late-thirties. I see a Harry who has turned sour, callous even, and is obviously stressed.” Levin sees the couple as being “increasingly self-centered.”