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Meghan Markle BANNED From Harry’s Friend’s Wedding Amid New Drama

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry might feel like investing in a private island and taking a hiatus right about now. Because the usually publicity-hungry household has become overwhelmed with negative news. 

For instance, the godfather of Meghan’s and Harry’s son Archie, who is Harry’s best friend, just banned them from his society wedding.

And pressure has soared for Parliament to remove their royal titles. Keep reading for details, including why Prince William wants action and King Charles expects an apology!

Meghan Markle BANNED From Society Wedding

Like the Grinch who stole Christmas, Prince Harry’s best friend has stolen Meghan Markle’s hopes of attending his wedding.

Meghan Markle BANNED From Harry’s Friend’s Wedding Amid New Drama

But the Duke of Westminster snubbed Meghan and Harry for several understandable reasons, noted the Daily Mail.

For example, the society wedding will show up in multiple media outlets. And Archie’s godfather wants to avoid the drama and spotlight-stealing challenges that seem to accompany Meghan everywhere she goes.

For instance, Meghan didn’t even receive a formal invite to a recent Hollywood gala. But she showed up anyway, strutting down the red carpet and requiring a nudge before she would move on.

However, the Duke of Westminster has also maintained his friendship with Prince William and Kate Middleton. And by banning Meghan and Harry from his wedding, he can safely invite William and Kate without fear of royal rows amid the ceremony.

Meanwhile, King Charles and Queen Camilla also may appear at the wedding, and the royal couple reportedly feel relieved at Meghan’s and Harry’s absence. 

Parliament To Strip Meghan’s And Harry’s Royal Titles?

Because Meghan’s and Harry’s rumored “mouthpiece” Omid Scobie made new claims about the alleged royal racists who discussed the color of Archie’s skin, Prince William has demanded “action,” say insiders. And William understandably feels upset that the book identified his father King Charles and wife Kate Middleton as the so-called “royal racists.”

As a result, King Charles and Prince William plan to meet to discuss what action to take. And their meeting, combined with a rumored plan for Parliament to strip the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s titles, could result in trouble for Meghan and Harry.

However, given Meghan’s love of appearing in media photos, she likely feels most upset over Hugh Grosvenor, the Duke of Westminster, deciding to ban her and Harry from his society wedding.

As one of Harry’s best friends and godfather to his son Archie, the Duke of Westminster at first did plan to invite Meghan and Harry.

But he feared that his wedding day would become the stage for a royal showdown. And in particular, he reportedly dreaded Meghan’s tendency to bring drama everywhere she goes. 

King Charles Expects An Apology In Racism Row

And so the Duke of Westminster focused on inviting William, Kate, the King, and the Queen to his wedding. William may even take on the role of best man because Hugh also serves as godfather to William’s son Prince George.

And through it all, a Palace insider revealed that King Charles feels upset about the racism allegations. “Most right-thinking people would expect an apology – who wouldn’t? Being falsely branded a racist in print is a serious allegation that must be treated seriously. All options are still on the table.”

Tell us what you think. Do you feel that the Duke of Westminster made the right decision to snub Meghan and Harry amid sending out wedding invites? And do you think Meghan and Harry should lose their titles? After you share your views, check back on our site for more royal family news.

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  1. Judy says

    I feel Harry should be invited but not Magen,shes a troublemaker. Harry should Not be stripped of his title. He is King Charles son and he’s made mistakes but William has cheated and made mistakes also
    And Charles cheated on Diana, it can’t be much worse than that! So who really is able to judge the other
    I feel Kate and William want it all, and removing Harry helps them. It’s so unfair!

    1. Peter says

      What proof do you have that William cheated, other than a story planted by Meghans friend. A friend who admitted to doing this. As for inviting them to the wedding, no, it is the Dukes wedding, he doesn’t need a spectacle with them coming. It would be all about them and not the bride and groom

    2. Pam says

      Sadly Harry and the children are suffering from Magaba drama. If she truly love them she’s cut it out. Harry loves her and backs her . I think she thought she could control it all and can’t.

    3. Matilda Flippo says

      I agree whole hearted .

    4. TJ says

      Totally agree with you!

    5. Deliworker says

      Harry would be stripped of his Duke title. Which means Markle will lose her dutchess title. Harry is the King’s bloodline and will retain his prince title. Meghan will then be plain Meghan Markle.
      There was never any proof that William cheated on Kate. It was all a rumor only. If it were true I doubt William and Kate abd Rose abd her husband would go out together.
      William and Kate don’t want it all. Being Charles son and next in line to the throne they get it all whether they want it or not.

  2. Jeanne Morse says

    Any way you look at this family situation, Prince Harry is King Charles son, NO Titles should be taken from him. Second King Charles cheated on Princess Diana quite brazenly and Prince William supposedly also cheated on Princess Kate. Third King Charles needs to grow a pair and stop asking William or anyone else what to do and DO THE RIGHT THINK despite others. This is your SON, DO RIGHT BY HIM, PLEASE STOP THE PAIN THIS IS CAUSING. LOVE YOU CHILD.

  3. Robin says

    The Duke made the absolute right decision. Strip their titles. Everyone is over their (Meghan’s) hunger for the spotlight. Meghan cannot be trusted. I hope Harry opens his eyes, soon. She is seen as the worse possible choice Harry could have made. Diana would be devastated. Btw, she is nothing like Diana. I feel sorry for Harry and his kids.

  4. Janet says

    Harry and Megan work on your family and don’t have any contact with “ the Royal Messy Family”. You’re free here in America! Get busy with your “Good Works” for the needy everywhere and you will not even miss the Royal Mess …live life… enjoy it.

  5. Emma says

    Yes I feel they deserve to have their titles removed. They chose to leave now do not like what they deserve.

  6. Diane Almeter says

    No, I do not agree with the lose of their titles AT ALL. As for the wedding, Meghan is the one causing all this. This is Harry’s best friend. I think he should be included ….. and I think he should attend. If they haven’t figured out by now that the problems are with Meghan. I still feel VERY strongly that Meghan needs to become a has been and Harry needs to return to his country, his family and his royalty etc. Meghan is in no way capable of handling what she took on by marrying Harry. The difference between Meghan and Kate is like night and day. Parting with Meghan is the best thing Harry could do. He would reep as a resultin the end.

  7. Dolly says

    The wedding should be about the bride and groom, not who is coming or who’s not. Harry should understand why they wasn’t invited. This is a big day for the bride and no one should want to cause drama. So Harry should congrat the groom and bride and not take this personally. This is part of being popular

  8. Carol says

    No; Meagan is the Prince’s wife and SHOULD be invited; the Princess of Wales continues to upstage William with her clothes, etc. This whole “family” drama is so absurd; they should all get over it! The English have forgotten about the king who abdicated his throne years ago..

    1. Deliworker says

      That wedding will be the wedding of the year. This day will be one of the biggest and happiest day of her life. It is a special day and all eyes and attention should be on the the bride. If Marke showed up up there would be a media frenzy to talk to her and take pictures of her. And she would pose and take all the attention away from the bride and groom. This isn’t her wedding, but that wouldn’t stop her from seeking all the attention. She definitely should not be there.

  9. Terijo says

    Drama, drama truth Harry and Me-gain as she is known walks where she will not be ignored. They stepped down and left the Royal life and duties. That should been it and move on to their private life but in reality Megan won’t give up her title nor be put in a corner. If the media would just let them live as private citizens or Hollywood then all news need to stop comparing them to the Royals as that’s what they wished and wanted. Going to the wedding Harry and Megan would cause to much for anyone to tolerate by always trying to still the Brides Day.

  10. Becky says

    Too much focus on both of them. They chose to leave the royal life when they moved to the states. It’s a tough transition I’m sure, but one they made on their own. Now they have to live with their choice.



    1. Barbara says

      Harry and Meghan are horrible, selfish, disgusting, self centered, you name it. I believe they are liars and make a big to-do about nothing. I think any person with a brain would be curious to see if the Sussex’s children would be lighter skinned or darker skinned or whatever. That is not racist. Normal. My sister took after the lighter skinned German side of the family. I took after the little more darker skin of the Italian side. So what?

  12. Cynthia Stempel says

    I say who cares about Meghan and Harry. Harry was much better off without her interference in the royal family. She has been trouble since Day 1. I have never seen Suits nor do I want to. She is nothing to me. She thought she would step into Diana’s shoes, but she was sadly mistaken. I don’t believe anyone could do that, especially Meghan! I never liked Meghan and don’t believe I ever will. She is a pathetic person looking for any chance she can to get her mug on camera, but in the USA, she is a Big O to us. No one has interest in either one of them here. The only one that I like in the Royal Family is Kate. She would make a beautiful and lovely Queen. Straighten up William! You are seemingly a lot like your father.

  13. Penny Graves says

    This is getting out of hand. William and Charles are not a good role model. Kate thinks she is privileged since she married William. She’s done her share of wrongdoings. If she and Charles did say that about Archie and his skin color they don’t need an apology. They need to be grown up and take their punishment. So much drama. If the guy doesn’t want Harry and Meagan at his wedding then so be it. Friends like that you don’t need.

    1. Deliworker says

      William not a good role model? Why, because someone started a rumor that he cheated? No proof and the person confessed to starting the rumor. And there wasn’t ever any proof.
      Kate wrong doings? What wrong doings? Things that Markle claimed? Alot of what she said were lies.
      Racist? Why because someone was curious about skin color like millions of people are when you have mixed race couples. Even the parents and family members ask. That is a curiosity night racism.

  14. Yolanda says

    First of all, I think Megan should not be invited to the wedding, but Harry Yes
    Second , I don’t think he should be stripped of any titles because he was born into it, and poor Harry just think of what he’s going through at home, and having to keep her happy for the sake of their children

    1. Deliworker says

      The only title that can be taken away from Harry is Duke. He retains his prince title due to his bloodline. Markle on the other loses her titles. She will be plain old Meghan Markle.

  15. Sarah says

    I agree that Harry be invited to the wedding but not her. No one wants her around trying to monopolize the spotlight at their wedding. It’s the brides day not hers. As for the racism comments and other jabs at the King Harry needs to apologize on bended knee and admit how she has manipulated him from day one. He needs to grab the kids and go back to England and repair his family before it is too late.

  16. Allie Hamrac says

    She is sooo hungry for attention it doesn’t matter what she does to get it. But most people are sick of her and Harry just goes along for the ride. That was the whole purpose of snaring Harry. But it didn’t quite work out for her Take their titles and if Harry comes to go s senses you can give his back but she doesn’t deserve anything from the royal family no matter how much she snivels

  17. SKS says

    I definitely think they should be stripped of their titles. They wanted out to live their own lives the way they wanted to so let them. But they shouldn’t get to have any of the perks of royalty. Get a job, get your own security and pay for it yourself. Around here you don’t get to play both sides.Plus Harry’s an idiot for putting up with her, she’s definitely trying to cash in on her title.

    1. Sammy says

      I totally agree with you. They left the royals to do what they wanted to do in America. NO TITLES FO THEM.As for the wedding, the day is for the bride and groom. Harry and Magan needs to stay home. Both of them are spoiled brats.

    2. Deliworker says

      Harry will always be prince due to royal bloodline. His other titles can be taken. Markle will lose all her titles. She will be plain old Meghan Markle.

  18. Marilyn says

    I think she is a witch and their titles should be stripped.

  19. Maria says

    Hello whoever getting married call the shots of their guest list period.

  20. Steven B says

    I’m beyond tired of this, but not in the way so many feel. Prince Harry tried multiple times to be treated with respect. Sadly, because he’s the “spare” he’s treated as completely nonexistent. After he had enough of foul treatment, his brother the “heir” went ahead and hit Harry so hard because of Meghan that he went into the dogs food & water bowl. Yet, the people are upset with Harry for standing up to his family, with a father and sister in law who (we now know) are the ones who literally made racist remarks about the skin color of Harry’s children. Even though it truly appears that Harry & Meghan weren’t the ones who gave permission for the 2 to be outed, but outed for their blatant racism against their relatives is truly disgusting.
    So, Harry said “F U” to the royal family because of the way the all treat him. He’s got a brother who has literally beaten him on enough occasions that Harry being hit so hard that he ended up face first in a dog bowl & none were surprised.
    Harry & Meghan were then being given up as scapegoats for everything that the “heirs” did, and they expected him to just take the abuse. He tried to get quietly away, but the “heirs” decided that HE deserves to be to blame. They take away money, medals that he earned, unlike his brother, and they kept trying to push them down.
    They then opted to come forward with all of the crap they were given from the royal family, and while some bombshells were dropped, they only gave examples of names of those physically abusing him, they talked about how even though Kate was the person who intentionally caused Meghan to break down in tears on her wedding day, the “firm” along with Kate decided to turn it onto Meghan instead, and then Kate went further to make racist and disparaging comments along with Charles, and they feel comfortable enough that even though they made the comments, the family is mad and angry with Harry.
    Why would they “the Heirs” deign to try and learn, grow, and treat their family with respect?
    Instead they’re pissed off that Harry & Meghan put their feet down and said NO. They opted to no longer be the punching bags of the HEIRS.
    I’m blown away that the public is taking the side of the aggressors. They’re taking the sides of the abusers, they’re taking the side of the racists. Yet instead they’re going further to say “How dare Harry & Meghan tell the truth about Charles, Camilla, Kate, and Willy?”
    People actually disgust me as they opt to “cover for” and “back the abusers” & instead blame the victims for telling the truth.

    1. Deliworker says

      Wow. Are you brainwashed.
      And you don’t even have the facts straight of what was reported.
      Ok, maybe Harry and William had a fight. Harry said he fell back onto the bowl. Not his face.
      The incident with Markle crying did Not happen on her wedding day. It happened days before. And when Harry 1st spoke about it he said that he came home and found Markle on the floor crying because her father had a heart and was having heart surgery 2 days before her wedding and wouldn’t be there. Kate happened to call her because the bridesmaid dresses didn’t fit and there wasn’t much time before the wedding to get them fixed. Kate wasn’t aware of what was happening with Markle’s father.
      Asking what color a child is going to be is a normal curiosity question that everyone asks when you have any kind of mixed marraige. It isn’t being racist.
      You should reread all the comments made by Harry and Markle before going on your rant with falsehoods.

    2. Diane says

      Steven, Live in your fantasy world. You picked the side of the liars and grifters. If you were there there for any of the gossip you are repeating let us know who was also there, the date, day and time. Megan fights with and does not forgive family members including her father.

  21. Judy says

    Well you all don’t know if William cheated or not cause it is the way Scooby-Doo likes to tell lies about the royals he does not care about the royals he is working for Meg and Harry and he wants to say what he wants to say and hope it will happen that way. Plus it is the Paraliments job to take anything away from the ex royal and his wife for making up lies

  22. Sue says

    I wish the media would stop all the talk about them. Meghan is just an attention seeking “B” and Harry needs to grow up. I cant stand either one – and I adored Harry until he hooked up with the gold digger. As far as titles go, they walked away (like 2 kids leaving the sandbox because they didn’t get their way) so just go. You don’t get to have it both ways. Strip the titles and when and if Harry grows a set and dumps his anchor of a wife and apologizes to his family, THEN his titled can be restored. It would be the best thing he could do. And the media (all forms) stopped talking about her, she would have no choice but to back off. Hollywood doesn’t want her so she only gets attention from articles like this, newspapers and the books/film they keep making themselves, which they can’t even give away these days.

    1. Deliworker says

      All of Harry’s titles can be taken away except prince. That title is his birthright due to his royal bloodline. All of Markle’s titles would be gone and all her royal last names would be taken away. She will plain old Meghan Markle.

  23. Michelle Sepulveda says

    The right decision to not invite clown Prince Harry and Meaghan to this wedding as they both will do anything to be the center of attention even if it’s negative attention.
    I believe they should lose their royal title’s as they are no longer in the monarchy which was their choice. Parliament needs to remove their title’s. I felt this was a mistake on Harry’s part to marry this woman, not knowing anything about her, now I’m sure he sees that she was only interested in the attention she would get marrying a Prince. This woman had made a mess of the monarchy. He’s better off divorcing her.

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