Meghan Markle Can’t Find Work In Hollywood

So much for that comeback. There’s a new report that suggests Meghan Markle is having a very hard time finding work in Hollywood, even though she and Prince Harry have been back in California for almost four years now.

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In fact, it seems like the Duchess of Sussex is struggling to find any work in the entertainment business because of all the negative press that she and her husband have been getting these last several years. Here’s what you need to know.

Royal Family News – Meghan Markle Can’t Find Work In Hollywood

According to Deadline, no one wants to work with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex anymore, and that’s not just because they lost their contract with Spotify.

It’s mostly because of their ongoing feud with the royal family. That, and all of the gossip surrounding their marriage and their lifestyle are just a few reasons why they can’t find any work.

One source close to the situation even said that big brands don’t want to be associated with the former royal duo.”

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What’s more, it seems like Meghan Markle is not getting the movie or television roles that many people figured she would have gotten by now.

The Duchess of Sussex was forced to quit her job at the legal drama Suits and pull away from Hollywood when she began dating Prince Harry back in 2016. Even though she and Harry are no longer considered working royals.

Meghan has not returned to her old stomping grounds in Hollywood, prompting a lot of people to wonder what might really be going on. 

Royal Family News – What’s Next For The Duchess Of Sussex?

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So far Meghan Markle herself has not made any comments about the matter. Watch this space as we have a feeling there is so much more juicy royal drama to come.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. 

Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals,  We’ve got you covered.

King CharlesMeghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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  • noellastober

    She cannot get work because everyone is afraid they will get thrown under the bus somehow She is not trustworthy and that makes it also impossible for anything to happen with Harry They are unwanted people to be around because they blabbermouth with lies all the time It is sad but they made their bed and must sleep in it while their children will suffer the most What a shameful couple they turned out to be Meghan made sure she has kept no family around them at all What a creep she really is You get good out of life when you put good into it They put crap into life and are getting crap back

  • Betty

    Harry should leave her sorry but take his children and go back home. Quit let her run through his money.( if you have to buy them to keep them you don’t need them). When the money is gone she will be too.

  • Park Avenue

    She made a mess of everything. No one to fault or blame but her

  • Carol

    She’s the ex-Duchess of Sussex, as far as I’m concerned. So why is M. M. still being referred to as the current DoS? Just stop it already please!