Meghan Markle Claims Brit Tabloids Treat Kate Middleton Better Than Her

Explosive revelations have emerged about how Meghan Markle reportedly feels about Kate Middleton and it will leave your jaw on the floor! Based on the revelations, after Meghan compared herself to Kate she found she came up short which enraged her.

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An insider spilled the stunning details about Meghan’s opinion of Kate to the Daily Mail and the royal family in general and the words are sure to ignite a firestorm of controversy.

According To An Inside Source, Meghan Markle Felt She Was Not Treated As Well As Kate Middleton

According to the inside source, Meghan told friends straight out that she was not treated in the same manner by the press as Kate. Meghan also believes that the royals would have protected Kate from criticism, but they failed to do so for her, with the insider saying Meghan felt, “relentlessly picked on.”

Meghan is reported to have said if Kate were the victim, “no one would have put up with it, and the broken and outdated system would have been revised. Those outlets responsible for their vicious attacks would have been shut out.”

Did The Queen And Charles Ignore Meghan’s Plight?

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Apparently, Harry, “constantly,” complained to his father Prince Charles, and his grandmother the Queen about Meghan being bullied, but they refused to act, despite it, “tearing him apart.”

Harry and Meghan are adults yet this case demonstrate their pattern of entitled demands which include being given an allowance from his father.

To their credit, or discredit depending on your point of view, they have finally stopped whining to their elders and taken action against the mean press. For one Meghan has brought a lawsuit against a publication claiming it violated her privacy and second, they have informed the world that they will no longer talk to four (and counting?) UK publications.

But Wait There’s Reportedly More!

The source went on to say that for Meghan, “it was infuriating that Harry’s very real and valid concerns fell on deaf ears. Meghan said they made it seem like this is the way it is, deals with it.”
Imagine that—Harry’s elders tired of his whining and told him to put his big boy pants on—bravo Charles and Elizabeth!

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Perhaps showing how thin-skinned she is, Meghan thought that the press reporting she rubbed her “belly too much when she was pregnant,” amounted to being, “bullied by the media non-stop.”

Perhaps even more alarming is Meghan’s view on a free press; “She said the British tabloids have haunted Harry since childhood and should have been kicked out of the media pool long ago.”


Meghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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  • Guest

    If you can’t name sources then I don’t believe anything you’re putting in Meghan’s mouth. Maybe it’s so but just maybe it’s not.

  • Sharon Geosits

    Maybe because Kate isn’t as full of herself as Meghan is!!!!! Besides it’s obvious Meghan wears the pants in her family and Harry is just a puppet on a string!!!

  • Guest

    May be it’s because Meghan has a black mother. I am shocked that the British people are referring to Meghan as a person who wears the trousers in the house. So, it means women are mistreated and don’t have a say in their own houses in Britain? Then what cheap human rights for women are they selling to Africa. Hello, we enjoy equal rights to our husbands in Africa.

  • Elsa

    First of all Charles kept telling Harry is Megan
    going to keep working now you tell me
    people how was she supposed to do that
    the Queen assigned certain charities to
    her and Harry to do beside their own
    personal charities so let me ask you this
    if you are a working Royal Charles is supposed to pay them a allowance for the
    work he was paying Catherine and William
    so at that time Megan and Harry we’re
    working Royals and you people seemed
    to forget Megan left her Job and her blog
    to work for the Royal family people that’s
    money she gave up because she knew that
    was expected of her so let’s be fair here
    to Megan and Charles kept saying to
    Harry there’s not enough money to go around
    now that was not funny to Harry so you see
    they were all ready disrespecting Megan
    so she is not lying about the things she had
    to put up with so Megan may not be prefect
    she has her faults like anybody else but when
    people treat me nice nasty which some
    the palace aides and certain family members
    what would you do are you going to take
    are you going to fight back and the press
    was brutal with Megan and bias now with
    Catherine they may have been joking and
    a little rude but never brutal and other
    thing when the press did say something
    about Catherine William got upset and
    said something about it and the palace
    aides and the press said no more about
    it so why should Williams wife be more
    important then Megan Harry’s wife is just
    as important to him.And other thing once
    Harry and Megan step down from the Royal
    family they didn’t receive any more money
    from the Royal family and Harry didn’t
    complain about that that’s you people that
    keeps saying that you people need to get
    your story straight they had people in
    that palace that was leaking Harry and
    Megan business to the press so they didn’t
    know who to trust so they got angry if
    you were in their position you would get
    angry to so by the time they got a aide
    in there that could be trustworthy it was
    to late they were both fed up at that point
    they felt let down by the family yes Megan
    is a strong women but even strong women
    have a breaking point and on the subject
    about the Megan’s wedding Catherine had
    no right to make Megan’s wedding day
    more difficult than what it already was
    It was Megan’s wedding not Catherine
    day she had her wedding day and Catherine
    needs to say something to the press about
    it because the press keeps bringing it up
    it’s like the press is blaming Megan for
    that day but again people it was Megan’s
    wedding day but you see Catherine is not
    being a woman enough to correct that
    issue you see there are somethings
    you can’t be always closed mouth about
    sometimes you have to speak up to correct
    things because the press is distorting the
    truth and that is making people hate
    Megan and that lady doesn’t deserve that
    Megan is minding her business not saying
    anything about the Royal family getting on
    with her life and the press keeps bringing
    up old news and twisting the stories and
    that includes the Royal aides and press.
    Megan is minding her business and the
    press will not Leave her or Harry alone.
    so you people think about that .