Meghan Markle Desperately Wanted To Be Compared To Princess Diana For This Reason

Did she really think that it was a good idea for her to be compared to her husband’s mother? That’s what a new report suggests as apparently Meghan Markle was left quite disappointed when she realized quickly that there were very few people in the UK who were willing to put her name and Princess Diana’s name in the same sentence.

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That’s because they believed that the Duchess of Sussex couldn’t hold a candle next to the People’s Princess. Here’s what you need to know.

Meghan Markle Desperately Wanted To Be Compared To Princess Diana For This Reason

There’s speculation that Meghan Markle married Prince Harry just so she could become the next Princess Diana. At least that’s what she wanted people to think about her.

But she was left quite disappointed when no one would see any similarities between her and the former Princess of Wales.

Tom Bower, who wrote the Book, Meghan, Harry and the War Between the Windsors, said that Meghan Markle simply was very disappointed when she realized that no one behind closed palace doors was calling her the next Princess Diana when she clearly thought that she was on her way to being it.

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If that weren’t enough, Diana’s sisters, Sarah McCorquodale and Baroness Jane Fellowes, and close friend Julia Samuel, all weren’t amused by the former Hollywood actress, either.

Bower put it this way, “Since [an] article had increased the Cambridges’ suspicion of Meghan, the actress discovered that her neighbor in Kensington Palace had even less time for her.”

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He continued, “Harry had introduced Meghan to Diana’s two sisters, Jane and Sarah, and her best friend Julia Samuel.

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Harry assumed that Diana’s family and friends would see a similarity between Diana and his fiancée. Both, he said, shared the same problems. He was disappointed.

No one agreed that his vulnerable mother had anything in common with his girlfriend. More discomforting for him, they thought Meghan would not fit in with the Royal Family.”

So far Meghan Markle herself has not made any comments about the matter.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals, Hollywood actors, and reality television stars. We’ve got you covered.

Editorial credit: lev radin /

King CharlesMeghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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  • Patty Alexander

    Megan would and never would be compared to Princes Diana in her life time Megan is so much about her self her nose is in the air, it’s all about her

    • Chris

      Meghan is a pig… to be
      Compared to Princess Diana she’s having a pipe dream then woman is delusional. Harry is living in a fantasy land.

  • G.

    She is not a woman of the people .I agree with you Patty

  • Connie K.

    Megan is far from Royalty grace. If she couldn’t curtesy and felt she was given too many duties then she is not worthy of the Title Princess. She is made of Hollywood mindset and that will always be her nature. Megan is at the bottom of the ladder, I do feel bad for Harry, she has wrapped him into her web and brainwashed him to the point he has great Barriers between himself and his family now, even if he is accepted back the damage will never be forgotten.

  • Deborah

    Now they’re trying to compare Megan & Diana, well there is absolutely no comparison between the two. Just like Lili my have a few perks but they are nothing alike either. Trading on Princess Diana is all in Harry’s head.
    But to use her for financial gain is disgusting, disrespectful & disgraceful.

  • Deborah

    Now they’re trying to compare Megan & Diana, well there is absolutely no comparison between the two. Trading on Princess Diana is all in Harry’s head.
    But to use her for financial gain is disgusting, disrespectful & disgraceful.

  • Ananda

    Megain being the new Diana! That’s a funny joke because she could never in a million years that she could he seen in anyone but ‘airy’s eyes to even be able to hold a candle to Diana. I guess she’s found out by now that no one is ever going to compare her to Diana.