Meghan Markle DROPS Victim Role For FAKE FUN Celeb Image, ABANDONS Prince Harry!

Meghan Markle has specialized in playing the victim card for years. But now her PR team told the Duchess of Sussex that she must change her image to get what she wants: Fame and fortune.

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As a result, Meghan has decided to separate herself professionally and personally from hubby Harry, claim insiders.

But can the Duchess of Sussex really portray herself believably as a “fun-loving” celebrity after overplaying the victim card? Find out more below, including how she left Harry watching from the sidelines.

Meghan Markle Overplays ‘Victim Card’

The Duchess of Sussex recently appeared in a coffee ad, shocking royal family followers. But Meghan Markle, 42, did so in order to separate herself from Prince Harry and establish a new image after “overdoing the victim card,” said an expert via the NY Post.

And brand and culture expert Nick Ede believes that Meghan has decided to portray herself as a celebrity who can entertain and feels no fear of mocking herself. However, Ede sees it as a win for companies who want to feature the Duchess of Sussex in their ads.

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And Nick noted that the new “fun side to Meghan” represents “a clever way” for companies “to get a lot of social media traction and engagement. It’s also a way of showing Meghan in a new light that is both fun and frivolous,” he added.

Meghan Markle Has Become ‘Polarizing’ Celebrity

However, as for whether more companies will want to pay Meghan, the brand guru expressed doubt. And he questioned, “Does it work? I think that Meghan is now such a polarizing figure that comments on the social media post are negative and not celebratory, which is a shame.”

But either way, Ede feels that Meghan can profit more by enjoying herself rather than claim “her life is a misery because of what happened to her while in the royal family.” And he predicted that her new ad represents a “departure from worthiness and dramatic revelations” and a move to a bigger “rehabilitation.”

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As a result, Meghan wants to create content that portrays her as a “media personality who is kind, compassionate, entertaining, and not afraid to poke fun at herself. Whether this will win over her detractors I’m not sure,” Nick admitted. “But from a brand point of view it’s the strongest and most authentic way to rebuild her reputation and credibility.”

Meghan Markle Abandons Prince Harry

And royal expert Phil Dampier pointed out that Meghan “is not a stupid person. I think she realizes that she and Harry have overdone the victim card. She is also being advised by new PR people,” he added. “And I’m sure they have said they need to be more positive and not just live off criticizing the royal family.”

However, with Meghan focused on portraying herself as a fun superstar, what happens to Prince Harry? It appears that other than telling the Duke of Sussex to stop playing the victim, Meghan’s PR team has focused on her. And that leaves Harry abandoned to observe from the sidelines.

Tell us what you think. Do you feel that Meghan Markle can succeed in changing her image from victim to fun-loving celebrity? And how do you react to Harry standing on the sidelines? After you share your views, check back on our site for more royal family news.

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Duchess of SussexDuke of SussexMeghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle UpdatesPrince HarryRoyal FamilyRoyal Family News
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  • Robin Griffin

    No she is to fake on both sides of her brand. She is seen as an opportunist who would do say anything to get what she wants. She’s finished.

  • Elsa Johnson

    You people need to leave Megan alone
    All of these stories you here about
    are old stories that are being told
    a different way and they are people
    that write books on the Royal family
    and the writers just write what they
    believe about the Royal family no
    one In the Royal family collaborates
    with these people and that includes
    Megan and Harry they tell their own story
    Harry wrote is own book he doesn’t need
    any one to tell his story if he and Megan
    wanted to say who the Royal person
    who asked about their child coloring
    Harry would have said so in his book
    so Megan and Harry didn’t give that
    Information to scabies you people forget
    they have former employees that work
    for the palace that give information to
    some of these writers and reporters Megan and Harry have not said anything about his
    brother are the rest of the family it’s other
    people that keep stirring up trouble between
    the two families It’s other people out there
    that doesn’t want Harry are Megan to succeed
    Financially from the Royal family and I would
    not be surprised if some of the palace
    aides had a hand in causing some of the
    trouble because let’s face it Kate and
    William they never wanted to that
    much of the Royal duties see when
    Megan was there she would get
    all the Royal work done that she
    was assigned to do and Including
    her own personal charities and ask
    for more work and that made William
    and Kate looked bad and see that could
    not happen after all William is going
    to be the future King so the palace aides
    that control everything that goes on
    In that palace didn’t want William and Kate
    Look like they were not pulling their
    fair share of the work so think about it
    the Royal family wants Megan and Harry
    to come back so that will take the
    load some what off of Kate of course
    they just want Harry and his wife
    beg to come back so that Charles
    doesn’t have to admit some of the wrongs
    happen on both sides they all need to
    apologize to each other not all on Megan and Harry the Royal family think they are being
    slick by trying to sabotage Megan and
    Harry’s business deals and they
    are doing it under handed because
    they know Meagan is a workaholic
    and she will do the work Charles is not
    stupid even now Kate is still not pulling her
    Full work load Ann does more than they
    do and she is older.Now William is still
    upset with his brother and Megan but
    he is not looking at the bigger picture
    he is letting his pride get in the way William
    and Kate are not prefect either now they
    knew that Megan is a very independent
    women and she was not going to pretend
    other wise so they should have respected
    Harry’s choice in choosing Megan as a wife
    this was not a force marriage this was Harry’s
    choice just like William married who he

    • Ablalo

      Your grammar, spelling, punctuation and rambling thoughts suck! You can’t even spell Meghan properly! Why would anyone take you seriously?

    • LinnHawkins

      And I suppose all your information came straight from the horses mouth (so to speak) and all your comments are actual facts and have been checked as such? That Harry and Meghan have spoken only the truth. I’m sure your information came from you being present when all was said or done and you witnessed it all first hand. You’re a out as believable as they are. What do you know? Nothing…..

  • Martha

    Until Markle comes clean about the fake pregnancy and apologizes for the utmost rude curtsey she can kiss her fake comeback goodbye. The Royal family do not need Markle. She is deplorable.

    • Dolly

      I agree completely. She is so fake and everyone has caught on to her and her lies. She has no boundaries.

  • Anna C

    Take a breath, and please learn about periods when writing. You said that Harry and Meghan didn’t say anything about William and Kate, you need to read Harry’s book. When asked about this in interviews, he either says he didn’t say that or it was misunderstood. He also didn’t write the book alone, he had a ghost writer that helped him from the publishing house, because Harry is not a writer. You heard these things from Omid Scoobie’s book about Kate being lazy and not wanting to do the engagements etc. She and William have young children, that they want to be good parents to, and Kate still does these engagements, and the Christmas specials. Meghan and Harry are not the industrious ones. When they married and started doing engagements, at one of King Charles’ earlier birthday parties they had to come and Meghan was overheard saying to Harry “we should get paid for doing this”. Charles was so upset he told them to go. For such a smart woman I think I could have done what the Firm asked of me and getting a free house, remodeling, paid for wardrobe every year etc. But she thought she was going to change the Monarchy and displace William and Kate, because she will never be second place. As was reported I guess from tax returns, they only work 1 hour a week on their charity which explains a lot. You like them that’s fine, but you said that all these people that work for them are working for the Royals, and are putting these stories out. Well what do you think Meghan is doing?

  • Linn Hawkins

    How can anyone possibly want anything to do with her. She’s been a proven fake, liar, self centered hypocrite all the way around. I know I don’t believe anything she says and furthermore would not buy any product she represents/sponsors.