Meghan Markle Fighting Against The Release Date of Finding Freedom, You Won’t Believe Why!

It seems that Meghan Markle is already unhappy with her upcoming biography, Finding Freedom: Harry, Meghan, and the Making of a Modern Royal Family. It’s hard to imagine what bone she could have to pick since she hand-selected the two writers and fully cooperated with their endeavor.

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What in the world is her problem with the book which promises to show the world the “real” Meghan Markle?

How about this: it’s not coming out soon enough!

Meghan thinks her book needs to be out now

An insider told that Meghan wants the book on her life with Prince Harry to be released immediately because she thinks it will show everyone what they are all about and give them a fresh start in the court of public opinion.

What they seemingly want to do is polish up the legacy of Megxit, that time when Meghan and Harry left the UK for a life of fun and freedom in the U.S.

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Back in January, they made the announcement they would be ditching their royal duties for the chance to be financially independent. How’s that working out? Thus far they have lived in two different people’s mansions, with no indication that they have jobs, let alone a residence of their own.

Finding Freedom is a bid to set the record straight on Megxit

It’s not like the book is coming out next year, it will be in reader’s hands soon enough on August 20. Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durand have their names indelibly linked to the work as authors.

Apparently that’s no good enough for Me-me-Meghan, 38. She wants that tome out NOW, with the source saying, “If Meghan had it her way, the book would be released tomorrow instead of three months from now.”

Miss Meghan is upset with the press and her book’s publication date

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The source added, “She said the book will finally set the record straight and show the world why they were left with no other choice than to leave the royal life.”

“Meghan wants readers to understand her life hasn’t been a fairy tale, see ‘the genuine person that she is’ and wants to ‘shatter this image of being a demanding diva.’

But wait, there’s more!

The source said that Meghan believes the book will be a way for them to establish a clean slate and get a public do-over so to speak, that, “readers will finally understand the monumental anguish and turmoil she had to endure with a stiff upper lip. Meghan said people need to see her vulnerable side, something the book does in great detail.”

Wow. Just wow. Of course, in America, everyone is innocent until proven guilty so let’s wait until the book comes out before delivering a verdict on Megahn’s great anguish and suffering that took place when she was a princess in a land that welcomed her, paid millions so her house was just right, and bought her a lavish wedding.

Meghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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  • Guest

    thıs woman ıs all about poor me what a sad lıfe I had as part of the royal famıly ungrateful d lıst actress

  • Loopy Cooney

    When they first went public about their relationship, I thought they made a great couple. NOW…not so much. She really is a diva. Harry will see the light soon I hope. He should have told her ‘NO’ when she wanted to leave England and give up their royal status. I think eventually he will kick her to the curb and go back to England where he should be right now. She had everything she could have ever wanted and she tossed it away. Maybe her sister is right after all.