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Meghan Markle Insists On Destroying The Royal Family

Meghan Markle Insists On Destroying The Royal FamilyBritish royal family news reveals that one royal pundit is accusing Meghan Markle of wanting to destroy the royal family.

Angela Levin has covered the royals and the monarchy for years and her latest dish about the Sussexes is raw and candid. Here’s what the royal expert has to say about the Nigerian Prince and Princess.

Royal Family News – Meghan Trying to Ink Monarchy

Levin told GB News that Meghan Markle “wants to destroy the royal family, she has for a long time.” She added that the former basic cable actress and confused entrepreneur is a “very determined woman, and she tries to copy it in a more modern way.”

She also touched on the news that Harry has been granted permission by the court to continue his legal action against the home office for top level security when he’s in the UK.

Since the Markles’ 2020 defection to America they have argued that they deserve taxpayer funded protection despite no longer being working, senior royals.

Harry sued to secure the protection but was denied; he can now appeal the ruling. According to Levin, “he wants it done very quickly he’s been able to appeal against the appeal against the first court case.

Royal News – More Faux Tours

What he allegedly told the judge is sure to strike fear into the hearts of the royals. Levin claims that Harry indicated to the judge that he wants “it done at the end of the month or just into July because he and Meghan and “are doing around the world tour we want to make sure everything’s all right.”

The gruesome twosome just finished a mockery of a tour of Nigeria to celebrate their Nigerian-ness and apparently have more faux royal trips planned to fringe countries.

As far as Harry’s demand that the court give him preferential treatment, Levin reported that the judge “very nicely said to him … no you can’t push in you have to wait … you’re not well enough in the VIP group to actually go in front of everybody else.”

She recoiled at his arrogance: “you see he’s still thinking in terms of he’s a prince he’s not a prince and I think that this country will go absolutely mad if they use our money … to go around the world.

She added that she thinks the couple will focus on Africa even though “Nigeria was a disaster … the first lady of Nigeria was deeply offended by Meghan Markle” and her half naked body.

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  1. Lynda says

    I was going to leave a comment but this isn’t worth it.

    1. Sandy says

      Megan is a very selfish person, she is trying to make everyone think she is number one, she went after Prince Harry to make him think she was her mate, I remember she went to England to find a wealthy man, and she put herself right in Harry’s path, I feel sorry she does not know her on self

  2. Becky says

    Part of me wants to feel sorry for Harry and his situation, BUT he made his own bed, he is going to have to sleep in it now. He consciously decided to leave the royal family, but now wants some of the bells and whistles that accompany that position. He cannot have it. He needs to remember that he sacrificed it when he chose to leave the family. I think he was “pussy-whipped” by Meghan and it obviously clouded his mind and his rational decision-making ability. I feel so bad for his children. I don’t think Meghan will be very accommodating if Harry moves back to the UK. Not only will Harry miss out on a relationship with his children, but his children will be missing out on a relationship with their father. I don’t think Meghan cares about that, so it is a bad situation for her children. She is a dangerous woman who will do anything to push herself into the spotlight and try to convince people she is a wonderful human who deserves all the praise and worthyness that she can get. Sad!

  3. noellastober says

    They will both make it possible for lthem to fall down the hill really fast as long as M holds the reigns. Neither one is respected around the world and especially at home in UK and USA MM is the worst and th e fact H lets the world refer to them as the Markles is just a joke It totally shows who wears the pants in the house there
    Their friends are dwindling and at a very fast pace They are getting what they deserve The royals are dropping them faster than a hot potato and hopefully there will be no turning back for them, either one for that matter H has done the damage totally by always putting down the monarchy and where will they go, to Africa, if they get kicked out of USA also Goodbye and good riddens to you both So sorry your children have to suffer You have made them to be obsolite in this world also and for no good reason except your own shelfishness Creppy people who need an old fashioned attitude adjustment and not just one of them

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