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Meghan Markle Is ‘Too Negative’ According To Critics

Meghan Markle Is ‘Too Negative’ According To CriticsMaybe she just needs a little bit of an attitude adjustment. Or at least, that’s what some of her critics believe. There’s a new report that suggests one of the reasons why so many people view Meghan Markle in a bad light is because of her negative attitude towards the royal family.

Royal Family News – Meghan Markle Is ‘Too Negative’ According To Critics

Even though she hasn’t spoken a word about the royals in over two years now, her critics think that the damage has already been done. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

One source close to the situation has criticized Meghan Markle for seeing the worst in people, even though she’s got her own work to do in order to make her wrongs into rights.

Not only that, but the former Hollywood actress is being criticized for pulling her husband Prince Harry out of the royal fold and supposedly making him believe that the royal family are to blame for everything that has gone wrong in their lives.

Daniela Elser, who often writes about the royals in her weekly column in Australia, put it this way, Of all the mysteries that have swirled around the royal family – who killed the princes in the Tower? Did Elizabeth I ever get up to any hanky-panky?” 

The critic continued, “We all remember, surely, that in November 2017, when loved-up Prince Harry sat down with freshly-minted fiancee Meghan Markle for their first interview together, there was one detail that captured the public imagination: that le grand romantic moment had also featured the bald posterior of an organic bird.”

Royal Family News – What’s Next For The Duchess Of Sussex?

“Today the chicken is back, or more accurately, that chicken-y engagement interview is back in the news, after the journalist who conducted it, BBC star Mishal Husain, publicly hit out at the duchess.”

So far the Duchess of Sussex herself has made no comments about the matter, although at this point it’s doubtful that she will.

And there you have it, folks! Let us know what you think by leaving us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below.

In the meantime, come back right here for all the latest updates and spoilers on your favorite daytime television and The British Royal Family.

1 Comment
  1. Giovina says

    Don’t let megain anywhere near Kamala it would only b for her gain

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