Meghan Markle Is Using Her Royal Connection As Far As It’ll Go

I bet that you cannot blame the Duchess of Sussex. I mean it’s not everyday that someone gets married into the royal family. So now she’s using her royal cypher and her royal title to get things done.

AMP in the post

Who has two thumbs and cold calls senators as the Duchess of Sussex? Meghan Markle that’s who!

Royal Biographer Accuses Meghan Markle Of “Milking” the Royal Title For Prestige

According to royal expert, Angela Levin, Meghan Markle, 41, is using her royal connections “because it gives her prestige”.

Levin’s claim is coming after Meghan used the crown symbol above her initial M in her cypher for a note she sent to an acquaintance. The message was addressed to author Allison Yarrow as a thank you for her contributions to an episode on her Archetypes podcast.

Talking to The Sun, Ms. Levine said: “She doesn’t want to be out, she doesn’t want to be in. She wants to do exactly what she wants. And there she is using the crown when she’s moved away.”

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She won’t confirm with what she and Harry agreed when she left in 2020.

“She changes – she’s not supposed to use it any more. Ok. What’s the Palace going to do about that? Absolutely nothing. She’s pushing it as far as she can in every way she can.”

“Otherwise, if she was grateful to the royals for making her one of the most famous women in the world, for making her incredibly rich, for giving her a husband who adores her – and she can’t show the smallest bit of gratitude.”

“She likes it there because it gives her prestige that’s why she’s hanging onto her titles.”

Levine then added: “I think she would ditch it if she doesn’t like the royal family so much.”

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Meghan Markle Uses Royal Title Because It Gives Her “More Work And Attention”

Speaking on why Meghan won’t necessarily be giving up the titles anytime soon, Levin opined that it’s because she uses it to get more opportunities and to appear more important.

“People think more highly of her if she’s got the title – and of course if she’s got the crown there… ‘wow that is absolutely amazing'”

“I think it’s related to being around celebrities, wealthy people, lots of work more money. She’s always interested in global. Everything she talks about is global.”

“And if she’s working around the world with a picture of a crown, it’s a fantastic little helper politically because everyone will think: Oh my goodness she’s amazing – that’s what she thinks people will think.”

“It’s just to show off really,” Angela Levin concluded.

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King CharlesMeghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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