Meghan Markle LIES About Style, DECEITFUL Duchess CAUGHT In Fashion Fibs!

Meghan Markle kicks off 2024 caught in yet another lie. And this time, the Duchess of Deception got outed for her fibs about her fashion.

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Find out what Meghan claimed about her style choices (well, “whined” might sum up her tone more accurately) amid her time with the royal family. And keep reading to learn what a study of the Duchess of Sussex’s fashion choices since then revealed. 

Meghan Markle Fibs About Fashion!

Even before kindergarten, children learn not to fib. For instance, a little kid might repeatedly wear pink socks to nursery school because they like the color.

But then they might complain to their parents that the teacher allows only pink socks. However, even the smallest of children learn that someone will compare notes to uncover the lie, resulting in punishment.

And then there’s Meghan Markle. During her time in the royal family, the Duchess of Sussex whined that she felt forced to don neutral shades.

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And Meghan earnestly explained that she wore those beige colors and ivory hues to avoid stealing the spotlight from senior royal family members.

However, a study of her 2023 fashion choices via MSN reveals her lies. And after blaming the royal family for her shift to neutral colors, the Duchess of Deception promptly adapted a wardrobe of only neutral shades over the past year. But even before that, Meghan kept up the same hues that she chose after tying the knot with Prince Harry and becoming royalty. 

Meghan Markle Confuses With Contradictions

The Duchess of Sussex first served up her fashion monologue in her documentary series on Netflix with hubby Prince Harry. And in that series, Meghan claimed that she “rarely wore color” amid her time in the royal family. However, she attributed that style choice to wanting to avoid upstaging any senior royal family members or ruffling any fashion feathers.

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But since then, Meghan has continued to wear the exact same neutral color palette. And although she might sometimes wear a more noticeable color, celebrity stylist and royal fashion expert Miranda Holder observed that in 2023, the Duchess of Sussex wore “neutrals virtually all year.”

But Holder pointed out that Meghan did so after her “very vocal” discussion about “reluctantly wearing neutrals because she didn’t want to stand out too much.” And she did so supposedly to avoid seeming to steal the spotlight from the rest of the royal family.

However, after Meghan’s and Harry’s dramatic exit from the royal family, fashion observers expected her to “break free of those royal shackles,” pointed out Holder. And the Duchess could “have loads of fun wearing every single color of the rainbow and expressing her true self.” But instead, the royal style expert noted that in 2023, “there’s literally less than a handful of these [color] moments for Meghan.”

Duchess Preaches On Royal Fashion

And two years ago, Meghan’s messages to a palace aide were revealed in a tabloid lawsuit. As a result, the Duchess of Sussex became known for dismissing the use of a stylist and insisting on her own fashion choices.

“You know how personally frustrating I find the ‘stylist’ narrative,” declared Meghan. “As it’s the only thing I seem to still have any control over—my personal styling.” But in her documentary series with Harry, the Duchess shared that she felt forced to avoid bright colors and stick with neutrals.

“Most of the time that I was in the U.K., I rarely wore color,” shared Meghan. And she added, “There was thought in that. To my understanding, you can’t ever wear the same color as Her Majesty [Queen Elizabeth II] if there’s a group event. But then you also should never be wearing the same color as one of the other more senior members of the family.”

Meghan Markle Claims She Didn’t Want To ‘Stand Out’

As a result, Meghan explained her thought process. “So I was like, ‘Well, what’s a color that they’ll probably never wear? Camel? Beige? White?’ So, I wore a lot of muted tones, but it also was so I could just blend in. Like, I’m not trying to stand out here.”

However, in the past years, the Duchess of Sussex has stuck with that exact same color palette. But why? Holder believes that Meghan has decided it flatters her. “I think knowing your best colors is very useful in fashion,” said the expert.

And Holder added that Meghan “can get away with wearing black or pure white.So you could say that a lot of those neutrals are because it just looks great on her. And she looks fabulous in those colors. But there are also many jewel tones such as you know, deep emerald green, sapphire blue, magenta, royal purple—all those colors would look fantastic on her.”

Tell us what you think. How do you feel about Meghan complaining about her supposedly limited style choices in the royal family and then wearing those exact same fashions now? And after you share your views, check back on our site for more royal family news.

celebrity fashionDuchess of SussexMeghan MarkleRoyal FamilyRoyal Family Newsroyal fashion
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  • Jeanne

    I think they’re both whiney, lazy, selfish leeches who want everything and not earn it. They whine about everything and anything. Harry was raised in royal environment and knew he Would Not not be king, that William would be. William and Harry could have been a young force to bring the UK into a different generation but that will never and can never happen because Harry can’t be trusted. MM made the queens end years miserable and she figures to discredit William and Kate she’ll be queen. I worry about William and Kate’s children because they stand in her way to be queen

  • Mandi

    Your hate of Meghan is pathetic. YOU NEED GRACE

    • noellastober

      Maybe if MM would finally tell the truth, the real truth I dare say people wo uld look at her differently From all her lies it is most like too late for that People do not hate her, they just cannot stand all the bs she peddles and oh the world should feel so bad for her. William and Kate accepted her in the beginning as part of the family with no problem so Bebe she doe not need a break The ones who need a break are the rest of us who have had more than our fair share of her and her antics I do not feel one bit sorry for her and to reply to Mandi she is the pathetic one Maybe you should read what the rest of the people think of her Are you one who adores what she does? She is so pathetic and dishonest they should not post any more of what she thinks

  • Bebe

    PLEASE give Megan and Harry a break. Is it because she is biracial and muddied up the Royal Family’s blood line that brings out your constant discontent? Kate and William did not like Megan from the start and seem mean-spirited, and cold. Check out some of the unaware pics of them. Harry and Megan probably have made mistakes, but haven’t we all. Abuse can’t be tolerated.



  • Debbby

    I’m hoping this old saying is true:
    “What goes around, comes around”!!