Meghan Markle Looks TENSE With Prince Harry, Talent Agency DROPS Her?!

Meghan Markle didn’t even get to enjoy a full week of 2024 before rumors soared about a new career blow. And evidence exists that the Duchess of Sussex’s talent agency already dropped her.

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But at the same time, observers have noticed  Meghan looking tense and frustrated with hubby Prince Harry. Get all the details below.

Meghan Markle Dumped By Talent Agency?

Rumors have soared that Meghan Markle’s talent agency dumped her. And sharp-eyed royal followers found evidence of that fact.

For instance, royal commentator Angela Levin posted on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, saying, “Meghan’s name is not on her new agent William Morris’s website. Could she have been dropped quietly?”

And that led to other commentators weighing in. For instance, one wrote that Meghan “absolutely could have been dropped quietly. Hopefully WME finally came to their senses.”

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And another noted that Meghan’s talent agency “reportedly were livid at the paparazzi car chase stunt shortly after signing her.” Others theorized that the Duchess of Sussex has overdone it with trying to attract publicity by complaining about her life and painting herself as a victim.

For instance, one critic recalled how the Duchess of Sussex has become known for getting paparazzi to photograph her at strategic times and places, such as her local Farmer’s Market. But then Meghan promptly turns around and complains that she can’t get enough privacy.

Prince Harry Frustrates Meghan Markle, Who Fakes Happiness

But a body language expert has observed signs that Meghan tries to fake her happiness with Prince Harry. And via MSN, psychology specialist Darren Stanton noted that Harry actually has changed in the last year. But at the same time, Meghan seems tense and frustrated.

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“We have definitely seen Harry develop a lot emotionally, certainly in the last year,” observed Stanton. “He is far more willing to speak his mind, to be open and honest about how he feels.”

However, in contrast, Meghan acts “super confident. However, I do feel that she will sometimes try to come across as very happy, but it doesn’t always seem that way,” added the expert. “There are times where you can see her frustration shine through, whether it is with Harry or herself.”

And Stanton also observed the former Suits actress appearing tense as well as unhappy and frustrated. However, the commentator feels that the two struggle to figure out their separate identities and career paths. And Stanton pointed out that Harry and Meghan soared to fame as a couple together.

But now the Duke and Duchess of Sussex “find themselves in a situation where they need to find their own projects and their own identity,” noted the expert. And that could explain Meghan’s frustration and tense appearance. However, Stanton also warned that the couple need to prepare for “a lot of speculation.” 

Tell us what you think. Do you believe that Meghan Markle’s talent agency dropped her? And after you share your views, check back on our site for more royal family news.

Duchess of SussexDuke of SussexMeghan MarklePrince HarryRoyal FamilyRoyal Family News
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  • Betty

    It’s very possible that WME has,dropped her. Everything Megan has done this year has failed and her popularity in the,US has dropped and there’s no doubt she gave Scobie the information for his book. WME is in the business to make money and all the bad publicity coming from the Sussex camp could hurt their Agency.

  • Jeannette

    Yes I think they DID drop her. Meghan and Harry need to stay positive and stop complaining about everything in their life. They want to be normal people. Well, they need to act it. Start the year off right and be friendly with people don’t be grudge them. Moving someplace else will not change them. They need to change from the inside out.

  • Deborah

    I feel sorry for Prince Harry, I think he realized that his wife just trapped him so she could be Queen. He needs to talk to father, King Charles. Air everything to the king, and hope he’ll welcome him back. Though he can’t live in one of the homes. Good luck, wish him well

  • noellastober

    MM is reaping her rewards from what she has sown Oh well Megs it is coming back full circle and is biting you in the ars Good show Karma, good show

  • Ananda

    Karma has done a good job with harkle. All the lies she’s said & negative things that she’s done are coming back to haunt her. I hope the harkles will learn a lesson from this & realize that the higher one puts themselves on a pedestal the harder they will fall.