Meghan Markle ‘Petrified’ About Ex-Hubby’s Tell-All, Takes Risk In Own Book

Meghan Markle might face a challenge if rumors that her ex-husband Trevor Engelson plans a tell-all memoir come true.

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And a new report reveals how the Duchess of Sussex feels about the potential for her ex to devote a book to Trevor’s marriage with Meghan.

But royal experts warn that if Markle decides to write her own tell-all memoir, it could prove beneficial in terms of money but a risk in terms of her relationships. Get all the details below.

Meghan Markle Reacts To Ex Hubby Writing Tell-All

Will Meghan Markle’s ex-husband Trevor Engelson really pen a memoir about his marriage to the Duchess of Sussex? Rumors have soared about the possibility.

And the Mirror reported that Meghan feels “petrified” about what Trevor might include in such a tell-all book.

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However, rumors also keep swirling that the Duchess of Sussex has considered penning her own memoir. And experts predict that she would score “huge sales” from such a book. However, on the downside, Meghan would likely include her complaints about the royal family. And that could fuel the existing feud with Harry’s relatives.

Because the Duchess of Sussex’s husband Prince Harry did so well in terms of sales of his memoir, Meghan reportedly feels tempted to follow his lead. But royal expert Richard Fitzwilliams shared his concerns.

Meghan Markle’s Memoir Means ‘Bad News’ For Royals

And Fitzwilliams cautioned that if Meghan writes a tell-all memoir, it would mean “very bad news for the royal family.” However, the royal expert admitted that the book likely would score “huge sales.” But he believes that a tell-all would “ensure the rift remains or is widened, if that is possible.” And Richard also cautioned that Meghan and Harry risk limiting their audience if they repeatedly produce only “material that involves attacks on the royal family.”

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When Meghan was married to her now ex-husband, she nicknamed him Trevity-Trev-Trev. And he reportedly could make big bucks by writing about his experiences with his former wife. Author and royal expert Neil Sean revealed that Trevor received numerous offers to write a tell-all about his marriage to Meghan.

“Many agents have offered him big deals and big money when Meghan was at the height of her fame. I would think that he will take stock and look at all options,” said Sean. And he warned that Meghan probably must feel “petrified.” Because Trevor “would truly have a remarkable story,” Meghan’s ex-husband could pen a book that includes “first-hand experience of what it was like to be married the first time around to the actress.”

However, Neil shared that Trevor, now married to Tracey Kurland, seems like a “nice, caring man” who has moved on. But at the same time, if Trevor does write a book, it likely would explore how “ruthless, ambitious and determined Meghan was from the inside,” claimed Sean.

Tell us what you think. How do you feel about the pros and cons of Meghan writing a tell-all? And do you predict that her ex-husband will pen a memoir about his marriage with Markle? After you share your views, check back on our site for more royal family news.

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Duchess of SussexMeghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle UpdatesRoyal FamilyRoyal Family News
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  • Debby

    Oh Megan will definitely get her claws into the RF, after all they refused to publicly apologize to her. But I didn’t read Harry’s book & DEFINATELY will not read hers.