Meghan Markle & Prince Harry Are Only Interested in Their Version of the Truth

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Has Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s grand pronouncement about disengaging with certain members of the British media already backfired? According to one royal commentator, the answer is hell yes.

In case you didn’t catch it, in between sunbathing and saving the world, Meghan issued an edict that spelled out their dislike for four publications and said they were taking their ball and going home—no more playdates for you!

Has Heghan’s Move Against The British Press Done Them More Harm Than Good?

According to Aubrey Hansen of their banishment of the media is the equivalent of a wet noodle, eliciting no more than a meh from the British press after telling the Sun, Daily Mail, Express and Mirror in a public fashion that they did meet their standard for reporting. Because Harry and Meghan both went to journalism school when no one was looking, that’s why.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Have Laid Out Ground Rules For How They Should Be Covered

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Instead of being hailed as brave and visionary, words they desperately seem to want to embody as their language and actions embarrassingly show, Hansen believes that Heghan has only heaped more bad press on themselves—the exact thing they excoriate others for doing! Oh my, you just can’t make knuckleheaded things like this up. What’s that saying–you can’t fix stupid?

Meghan Markle And Prince Harry Are In LA Living Large Without Jobs

In their recent public letter to the four media outlets, the couple made clear that they will no longer take part in their yellow journalism.

In a letter to the editors of British newspapers, the Sun, Daily Mail, Express and Mirror, Meghan Markle, and Prince Harry laid out their ground rules for any further media coverage.

The Daily Mail is a UK institution

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The whole point of their loud and proud letter was to highlight the victim status that Heghan feels they have been unfairly saddled with as far as the media goes. In reality, it reveals these two as the bullies, fighting against something that is a time-honored institution—freedom of speech.

Some, like Hagen, have interpreted these two as far more than dunderheaded buffoons, however.

Does Meghan Believe She’s The Second Incarnation Of, Mother Teresa?

She goes so far as to say, “In their deluded world, Harry and Meghan are revered as benevolent, exalted beings dressed in jeans and sneakers, delivering soup to the peasants in need.” Not far off actually in many, many people’s minds. Your move, Heghan.

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Sharon Geosits

    The less attention they are given, the quicker they will realize…. no one cares about their situation or what they do!!!!