Meghan Markle SHUNNED By Gwyneth Paltrow & Reese Witherspoon At Hamptons Summit

British royal family news reveals that Sunday, August 3 is Meghan Markle’s 43rd birthday and she’ll celebrate in southern California, the showbiz capitol of the world.

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No one expects any A-list celebrity to be within a mile of her to help usher in her Midlife Era, and here’s why. But first, lest you think we are being hard on Meghan, she’s been trolled by the best.

The Hollywood Reporter called her the Biggest Loser, Spotify called her a “f****** grifter” and a total stranger started up a GoFundMe for the ill dad she’s ridiculed.

In the Be Kind spirit, 1-2-3 everyone, “Happy Birthday Meghan!” no one deserves your bottom feeding meme-y fate more than you.

Meghan Markle – Has Markled Herself

Last week Meghan was in the Hamptons for a women’s business summit and according to the New York Post anyone who is anyone “reportedly did their best to dodge being caught in photographs” with our duchess.

The G9 Ventures Summer Summit was hosted by Amy Griffin and Meghan was seen in a total of ONE photo posted to social media—with her pal Misha Nonoo and makeup guru Bobbi Brown.

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“Noticeably absent, however, were any snaps of Markle with event attendees Gwyneth Paltrow, Reese Witherspoon or Diane Sawyer.”

Royal Family News – No One Wants To Be Seen With Meghan

Comments on the NYP article were brutal: “They may still be laughing at the 2 hour car chase that reached speeds up to 80 miles per hour. The duo/Doria were sitting in a yellow taxi at a dead stop behind a smelly garbage truck while it emptied commercial garbage bins. I think they will always be a joke. People know about their bot farms. Have they proven they will lie for money?”

Another twisted the knife: “Meghan can show up at events where they are at, move into their neighborhood…but they are not friends.

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Royal Family News – Meghan Is Mocked

Another poster called attention to the fact that Meghan has destroyed her relationship with the father who gave her her nepo baby break–Emmy winning lighting director Thomas Markle, and questioned her mothering skills: “Sure, it’s the WP icons of the Hamptons, but I bet all these women have/had Fathers they loved and respected & spent endless hours with their young toddlers being actual mothers.”

Meghan took a “freedom flight” from the nasty UK taxpayers and her in-laws four years ago. Tell us royal fans, what has she accomplished in that time period?

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Meghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsPrince HarryPrince Harry newsRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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  • Helen Hawk

    I have lost total respect for Witherspoon and Paltrow. Both are snobs. My daughter graduated from Harpeth Hall just like Witherspoon but she did not turn out to be a snob. MEGHAN will never catch a break. No wonder she has had suicidal thoughts.

    • Mary

      They are north snobs, they do not want to be associated with Meghan. Meghan is a want to be star. She has offended all of the UK and thinks she’s better than everyone. She brings drama and lies. It’s sad.

  • noellastober

    She wants it all and gives nothing She has worn out her welcome on the world stage and rightfully so When you are a piece of crap eventually everyone realizes that and then you are treated like the piece of crap you reall are I feel so bad no one wants to celebrate her b-day with her Oh well, too damn bad MM How do you like reaping what you sow I hope it hurts now and for many many more years to come. You hurt the Queen, her entire family, her beloved grandson and everyone else of royalty all because you were greedy and wanted it all for yourself without doing nothing. Karma is starting, and only starting to come around to you You are still the asshole you have always been So sorry for your children

  • Deborah

    Trolling her is a given considering her toxic demure & crap attitude & treatment of everyone.

  • Elaine

    She is a fraud, this business about her thought about killing her self is just another way for her to get her ugly face in print. If Harry buys this act he’s not very intelligent

  • Giovina

    Who wants to befriend liars narcissistic jealous immature disrespectful nasty liars
    They’ve brought everything on themselves