Meghan Markle Slammed For Looking Like A C-Lister

Meghan Markle might have been feeling her best, but all of her royal critics out there think that she just came off looking worse for wear.

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There’s a new report that suggests the Duchess of Sussex was apparently acting like a “delighted C-lister” after she was ‘caught’ on camera shopping with a friend nearby her home in Montecito, California.

Meghan was out and about on the same day as King Charles’ 75th birthday. However, neither Meghan nor her husband Prince Harry publicly wished the King of England a happy birthday on his very special day. Here’s what you need to know.

Royal Family News – Meghan Markle Slammed For Looking Like A C-Lister

According to body language expert Judi James, who often has one thing or another to say about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s behavior in public.

She thinks that the Duchess looked quite happy to see the paparazzi taking her photos when she was out and about with her friend, Kelly McKee Zajfen. In fact, many people haven’t seen her smile like this in public in a very long time.

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In a new interview, James put it htis way,Meghan’s body language rituals as she is ‘caught’ by the cameras here is more delighted and generous C-lister than haughty A-lister.

Typical A-list body language might involve some gracious poses and B-listers tend to prefer the ‘hide’ option, keeping the head right down and a sombre facial expression as though they are no-way courting publicity or recognition.”

Was Meghan Markle Trying To Steal King Charles’ Birthday Thunder?

James continued, “Meghan’s friendly smiles suggest she is delighted by the attention though as she grins with her girlfriend or actually converses with the cameras.

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For someone so frequently in the public eye and who seemed to be seeking privacy, she looks amused to be getting the recognition here.”

Now, whether or not Meghan Markle was truly happy to see the photographers is anyone’s guess.

However, a lot of people can’t help but point of the fact that Meghan decided to be seen in public on the same day as her father-in-law’s birthday. Could it be that she was trying to steal his thunder? Maybe.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts.

Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals,  We’ve got you covered.

Editorial credit: Kathy Hutchins /

King CharlesMeghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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  • Bbridges

    Meaghen Markel had no class she is a small child screaming look at me look at me. Harry is a little boy looking to be rescued. He always plays the victim. Poor Harry.

  • Linda

    I think you are so full of it and just write anything to get attention. Leave the poor girl alone. You know the saying if you can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all!

  • Betty

    Isn t that always the case for the gruesome twosome. Whenever the RF has an engagement whether public,or private doesn t one of them does something to try and distract the attention from the RF. She is so desperate to try and repair her popularity before,William and,Kate comes to Hollywood next year. I only feel contempt for the,over grown spoiled brat.

  • Karen

    So…why not include the photos in question? Since you haven’t, this article is just another attempt to trash someone. Where did you get your journalism degree? Wait…you DO have a degree in journalism, don’t you?

    • Phyllis

      Why would you expect someone to enclose pictures to back up their opinion? Your comment is childish and patronising! Prince Harry’s wife comes across as pathetic and needy! She was practically unknown before she married Prince Harry.. apart of an acting job in an obscure television drama!

      • Cat

        Of course I can be wrong but I see the woman as a user hopping stepping stones to whatever as most advantageous to her. I wonder how often her children see her?

  • V J Weekly

    I inadvertently happened upon this feed. Since you requested feedback? Here goes. I think it’s an incredibly petty and presumptuous article written by a new intern to earn “stripess. I think Ms. Markel’s flaw is not being part of the British Royaly’s ilk.