Meghan Markle Suffers Cruel Mocking From Royal Family For Shocking Reason, Reveals King Charles’ Cousin!

Meghan Markle has faced ridicule from the British media ever since she began dating Prince Harry. But now a cousin of King Charles revealed that Meghan also faced repeated secret mocking from the royal family. And the King’s cousin revealed the shocking reason why Markle has suffered so much. 

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Learn what an insider shared about the taunting that Meghan has endured from British media. And discover what King Charles’ cousin explained about the reason the royal family has mocked Markle behind closed doors. Get all the details below.

Meghan Markle – Secretly ‘Hazed,’ Kate Middleton Mocked As Well!

Prince Harry’s wife Meghan Markle has gone through a “hellish kind of hazing,” according to Christina Oxenberg, a cousin of King Charles. And Christina revealed that she has watched the royal family repeatedly haze those new to the family. But in particular, Oxenberg warned that the royals mock women dating family members, noted Page Six.

As a result of the mocking and hazing, only those “tough as nails” can survive, added King Charles’ cousin. However, Christina did offer hope for Meghan. “If she can just hang in there, someone else will come along who can take the heat. Nobody gets a pass,” added Oxenberg.

And the 59-year-old writer and fashion designer recalled how Kate Middleton, now Prince William’s wife, got mocked when she first began dating William. For instance, the British press nicknamed Middleton “Kate Middleton class,” recalled Christina. And the royal family felt amused rather than angry at the nickname. However, King Charles’ wife Camilla also mocked Kate at the time. And Camilla referred to Kate’s parents, Carole and Michael, as “Meet the Fockers.”

King Charles’ – Cousin Reveals Why Meghan Markle Gets Mocked And Disrespected

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However, Oxenberg also insisted that the royal family thought that their mocking of both Meghan and Kate “very funny.” And especially for Middleton, the royal family “meant no disrespect,” added Christina. “After all, she is the future queen of England.”

But Meghan has suffered many more cruel remarks from the British press than Kate ever did. And King Charles’ cousin also shared that the royal family mocks Markle behind closed doors. Ever since Meghan married Prince Harry in 2018, the hazing became especially harsh, according to Oxenberg.

And Christina admitted that some members of the royal family became especially  cruel toward Meghan for one reason: Her birthplace. In contrast to Kate Middleton, the royal family and British press view Markle as a “foreigner.” However, Oxenberg denied reports that some members of the royal family have behaved in a racist way.

“They are tough, they are tough on foreigners,” she added. “It’s not about your skin color, it’s about being a foreigner.” But overall, as King Charles’ cousin considered how the British press and some members of the royal family have treated Meghan, Oxenberg considers it “treasonous.” And she pointed out that Meghan “is Harry’s choice of wife.” As a result, she feels that the royal family and British press should “respect Harry’s choice” rather than act so cruelly. 

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Tell us what you think. Do you feel shocked to learn the alleged reason why some members of the royal family and British media have mocked Meghan Markle so cruelly? And after you share your views, check back on our site for more royal family news.

Editorial credit: Shaun Jeffers /

Meghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle Royal FamilyMeghan Markle UpdatesRoyal Family News
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  • Callie

    I personally think the way they treat people are wrong that is cosdering bullying someone that is not right .I also seen how Katie stared Megan down that is wrong I actually feel sorry for her maybe the real reason he left is cause the way his own mother got treated and he doesn’t won’t anyone mistreating his wife or children I can’t blame him

  • Brenda

    Harry will never forgive Charles for how his mother was disrespected by Charles. He may in public act as though he gets on with Camilia but bottom line he blames them both for the death of his mother and sadly he probably always will. It did not help when people rumored that Charles set up Dianas.death for as long as she was alive there could be no marriage for Charles and Camilla. Lol Camilla claims Megan is just with Harry hoping one day to be a queen when in fact Camilli has manipulated Charles from day one and now she has accomplished becoming Queen. I adore Harry always have for he has not one phoney bone in his body unlike his father and brother. Wish Harry,Megan and their family much light and love in their lives.

  • Writer NV

    I think females from certain families treat tge new women as they are treated. It’s cyclical. If they were mocked over their weight then they will make sure you are miserable about yours. If they had no voice they don’t want you to have a voice. It’s like being told the time to serve dinner, when to pee on a trip, how many times to chew your food before swallowing, what the menu should be every year, that your kids shouldn’t play a sport because their dad didn’t play it, and did you do that to your hair on purpose. It’s because they have been treated that way and robbed of joy, and live for the moment when it becomes someone else’s turn. So very sad….

  • Shell

    Camilla and King Charles should be the last look down on anyone, Princess Diane would be alive if not for those two heartless people. Harry is still hurting from the loss of his mother. I pray for him and Meghan.

  • Stella

    I think she asked for her own response from people. She’s a controller she lies she twists things around and I think it’s her character I don’t think it’s got anything to do with race or where she was born. It is her character and she’s not to be trusted. And this is from America. She just sets people off the wrong way.

  • Bishop Ann Ambers

    I already knew that was the deal. It’s like what my grandparents would say, “Throwing a brick and hiding their hands.”. It is cruel and evil. Someone needs to apologize but we all know that will never happen. They enjoy snubbing people.

  • Glenda

    The Queen could not have been blind to this hazing, if true. She was not what she seemed to be. Shame on her if she put up with this. Now we will see if Charles is a man or a mouse

  • Todd Adams

    This is just plain dead wrong for the treatment that these royals commit…
    All families I know of tend to do this…that’s why I tend to just not associate with ppl who do this at a constant duration…
    Just be yourself Prince Harry…and Ms.Megan…its more acceptable and upright…just be yourselves and let those snobs bore themselves to hell with their sarcasm…Peace…

  • Laurie

    Harry was told he’s the SPARE, not KC son, son of Hewitt, mother wasn’t queen material, crazy, that his father had mother killed, heard disgusting phone tapes from KC and QC. You must follow your Mother’s coffin. Read garbage printed about mother. All before 13 years old.
    At 17, Harry acted out drinking, drugs, bad costumes, nude, stated he didn’t want royal life. Reminiscent of his aunt. Told what to do by her sister Q.E. P.W. told Harry to early to marry, about life, and wife. P.W. got told on, not good look for future queen. Meghan got stares of how could you. Meghan always compared to Kate. It’s lovely when P.W. holds belly. Meghan is horrible for holding belly. History always repeats it’s self
    Margaret, Edward, and Wallace.
    If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. Instead they are rude to family newcomers.

  • Vicky

    So I guess that Camilla’s nick name is “HOME WRECKER”……. right???? I mean fair is fair regardless of what title that u hold now…..

  • Ruizy

    Charles and Camille should be ashamed of themselves having a affair poor Di what they put her through no one will never accept Camille she has her nerve to haze anyone she is far from perfect nothing but a home wrecker neither one of them should take the throne it should be William Charles is racists my heart goes out to Harry his own family has made him thank he was never good enough I hope that one day him and William can be close brothers again

  • Linda Kassha

    From what I have read it appears that King Charles III is trying to take the attention away from himself for all the bad press he received. He and Camilla should be ashamed of the way they behaved certainly didn’t appear to be the Royal Way. I also think Charles is trying to take away the attention that he is a racist and that he and Camilla made the remarks about Prince Harry’s child and his suspected skin color. Harry and his wife have a beautiful family and I think Charles is jealous.

  • Patricia

    I think very many of us were absolutely horrified when Megan organised the Oprah Winfrey interview, which was an utter disgrace and was in very many parts completely untrue. It was so much of “Poor Me” and imagined slights from the Royal Family when she didn’t get her own way. Megan was horrified not to be paid for the Royal duties she was asked to do in Australia during their first tour! Megan is all “ME, ME, ME” in designer outfits. Has she ever done anything quietly for Charity? I do just hope that Prince Harry is happy in California, and manages to make some good friends there. Are any of his school and Army friends there? And the friend’s you make from childhood?