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Meghan Markle Told She Needs To Step Up To Help Save The Monarchy

Meghan Markle Told She Needs To Step Up To Help Save The MonarchyBefore they didn’t want anything to do with her and yet now it seems like they need her more than ever before. Of course, we are talking about Meghan Markle.

Meghan Markle – Told She Needs To Step Up To Help Save The Monarchy

There’s heavy speculation that suggests the Duchess of Sussex has been told that she needs to step it up in order to save the monarchy.

And while Meghan Markle might scoff at the idea of every helping out the royals in any way, there’s also a good chance that she is seriously considering this, too.

That’s mostly because she and her husband Prince Harry have been quietly struggling on their end back in California. They’ve learned that being financially independent royals is anything but a walk in the park.

Should Prince Harry and Meghan Markle return to the royal fold, at least they will get one thing that they don’t have in their lives right now and that’s financially security.

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Not only that, but Meghan might also garner the respect that she lost when she and Prince Harry decided to pull the plug on their working relationship with the royals back in 2020.

The Duchess of Sussex knows that there’s some value in being a royal and that’s why she’s refused to give up her titles despite the fact that she and Harry don’t live in the UK anymore.

But of course, if Meghan does decide to return to the royal fold, she’s going to do things her way, regardless of what anyone has to say about it.

She’s certainly not going to let anyone push her around the same way they did the first time around. The only way she will come back is if the royals make her feel like she’s in charge.

Of course, the Duchess of Sussex hasn’t made any comments about the matter just yet but we will definitely update you with all of the latest details once they come in.

Tell us, Celebrating the Soaps fans, what do you think of all the buzz in this story? Let us know by dropping us a line below.

Also, come back here for all the latest news, spoilers and updates on your favorite daytime television shows and the British Royal Family.

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  1. Linda says

    No. No. No. She needs to step OFF! She is a disgrace! No they do not need her!

  2. Donna Guffey says

    I don’t think she would require ” being in charge”…but she would …and SHOULD …as Harrys wife…require being treated fairly and with respect…unlike she was treated before…

  3. Bruce says

    I think they can do, just fine, whiteout them

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