Meghan Markle Told To Stop Acting Like An American Duchess

There’s no such thing as royalty in America yet it seems like no one gave Meghan Markle the memo. But at the same time, it’s her thing.

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There’s a new report that says the former Hollywood actress is being urged not to act like she’s a Duchess in America anymore simply because it’s not doing her any favors. Here’s what you need to know.

Meghan Markle Told To Stop Acting Like An American Duchess

According to brand and culture expert Nick Ede, he thinks that Meghan is failing at trying to be a royal figure in America because no one is taking her very seriously about it.

Plus, should Harry and Meghan pull the plug on their marriage in the future, it would be senseless for Meghan to continue using her Duchess of Sussex title.

According to the Daily Mail, Ede put it this way, “What is actually happening is they are trying now to undo the damage they did with the Harry & Meghan documentary and Spare, which made them into a toxic couple. Meghan needs to forget about being a duchess and forget about good works.”

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Instead, Ede said that Meghan should just be honest with herself and be the celebrity that everyone knows she is.

Royal Family News: Will Meghan Markle Ever Drop The Royal Act?

He continued, “She is 100 percent a celebrity and will concentrate on that while Harry does whatever moves him.

If they are wise, they will copy the Beckhams, where each half of the couple has their own ‘thing’ and they do only a small amount together.

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She could easily earn a million dollars. There is a lot of money which she will make very easily — as long as she does it away from him.”

Now, whether or not Meghan will continue to use her title after her royal divorce remains to be seen but for now she has not made any comments about any of the criticism she’s gotten. Watch this space as there is so much more royal drama to come.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts.

Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals,  We’ve got you covered.

King CharlesMeghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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  • C

    They left royalty, Dutchess title in Unites States is a tasteless bad joke being drug out by them. Get over themselves and get on with their own lives as Americans. Ps., maybe a history lesson might help.

  • Nancy

    Meg and Harry need to just disappear, PERIOD. No one cares what they do or think. They made their bed now let them lie in it

  • Betty

    Megan will never drop her Dutchess title. That’s the only thing that has made her money and shes not going to change. So far everything she’s,done on her own without Harry she flopped. The only thing that’s,certain is she,will Divorce Harry. She’s already distancing herself from him but he just,won t let go. She,never,was a household name when she was an actress. Marrying Harry made her,revalent. The sooner she disappear the better.

  • Joan shea

    Duchess, in the United States, is a name you give your dog or cat. Meghan was born here, she knows this. Time to get her head out of her butt and get real

  • Mary Barley

    That marriage was a mistake from the beginning should have never happened. She didn’t love Harry she only loved the idea of the title and the publicity she would be getting. She needs to go find a hole and crawl in it she deserves nothing from Harry except child support if she gets to keep the kids. None of the Royals approved of her because they knew shewas only using Harry to benefit her .

  • DW

    MEGAIN Murky is not royalty and will never be. Harry probably wishes he had listened to his brother and his grandfather Prince Phillip when he told Harry, one steps out with an actress, one doesn’t marry an actress. And when William told Harry that MEGAIN was rude and trouble, Harry wishes he had listened. She never intended to stay in the UK, and only used the RF to elevate herself. She’s nothing but trash pure and simple. Harry needs to leave that thing asap.

    • Kathleen

      Totally agree!

  • Rhonda Horton

    I wish things would’ve worked out with Harry and Chelsea Davy. They were like soulmates and very much in love. From what I’ve seen, Meghan has a strange relationship with the truth. She is very manipulative. I’ll bet Harry always has to be on top of his game reassuring her that she’s the ONE.

  • Park Avenue

    #1) this is not an “Act”
    #2) there is no such thing {Title} American Duchess

    Now, if that is a euphamisn for ‘Failed middle-age Actress’…. Well, i suppose it applies

  • Deborah

    Megan will never drop any title she has. She thinks it gives her panache & sets her above everyone else. Even stripped she could then called herself princess Henry of Windsor. But never princess Megan.