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Meghan Markle Voting In U.S. Elections “Not An Issue” Even Had She Remained In U.K. – Royal Expert

Meghan MarkleSome people have questioned whether Meghan Markle should be allowed to vote in US elections considering the fact that she’s a titled member of the British Royal Family. This might seem problematic because of Meghan Markle’s political activity (and activism) could be seen as foreign influence in American politics.

As most know, Queen Elizabeth has maintained a policy of strict neutrality when it comes to partisan politics in Great Britain. Although Prince Charles has been known to make comments, which some could take as leaning to one side or another, he too has largely stayed out of any political fray.

Meghan Markle on the other hand has behaved like a stick of dynamite in a china closet. As soon as she was back on American soil, the media began covering anything and everything that Meghan Markle chose to do or say. Much of Meghan Markle’s “doing and saying” has been decidedly political in nature, leading some to suggest that she shouldn’t be allowed to participate in American politics as long as she holds British Royal titles.

Meghan Is An American Citizen And Has The Right To Vote

Even with some expressing concern, experts on both sides of the pond agree that even if some believe Meghan shouldn’t be doing any campaigning, it’s clear that her right to vote in American elections is uncontested. Indeed, Meghan Markle would have been eligible to vote in elections inside the USA even had she and Prince Harry remained in the UK as senior members of The Firm.

As Marlene Koenig, a royal historian said in an interview with a British tabloid, “Meghan is a US citizen and she has the right to vote. I expect she would have voted by absentee ballot if she had remained in the UK.”

Still, Meghan Markle’s behavior as a clear partisan has caused the British public to view her with immense distaste as she continues blatantly to disregard all Royal tradition. Like Piers Morgan, a highly-respected if sometimes controversial television commentator said in outrage following Meghan’s most recent political activity, “The Queen must strip the Sussexes of their titles. They can’t remain as royals & spout off about foreign elections in such a brazenly partisan way.”

Voting Is Important Io Meghan Markle

Of course, Meghan Markle definitely doesn’t see things the way British citizens (especially citizens like Mr. Morgan) see them. As Meghan Markle said in a statement to Marie Claire Magazine, “One of my favorite quotes, and one that my husband and I have referred to often, is from Kate Sheppard, a leader in the suffragist movement in New Zealand, who said, ‘Do not think your single vote does not matter much. The rain that refreshes the parched ground is made up of single drops’. That is why I vote.”

It’s not just the voting part that has so many ticked off at Meghan Markle though. It’s the fact that Meghan has publicly chosen aside. If the duchess chose to vote for one side or the other in American elections but remained silent on her choice, no one would have a problem with Meghan Markle (at least when it comes to politics) whatsoever.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, Prince Archie, and The Royal Family right now. Come back here often for all The Royal Family spoilers, news, and updates.

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