Meghan Markle Warned To Keep Her Ego Off Social Media

She’s not online yet, but the moment she begins posting, there’s no doubt that the world is going to be watching – and critiquing, too.

AMP in the post

There’s a new report that suggests Meghan Markle needs to keep her ego off of social media if she expects to be successful with her relaunched blog, The Tig. Otherwise, it might create new “pitfalls” for her. Here’s what you need to know.

Royal Family News: Meghan Markle Warned To Keep Her Ego Off Social Media

While the Duchess of Sussex herself hasn’t made any comments about the matter, there’s a lot of speculation suggesting that she might bring back her lifestyle blog, The Tig.

For Meghan, that might be the fastest and easiest way for her to make money. Some even believe that Meghan can easily make up to $1 million per post.

Meghan Markle: Warned To Keep Her Ego Off Social Media

But according to Mark Boardman, CEO of MarkMeets, Meghan has to be careful, and we mean really careful, if she wants to be successful in this.

AMP in the post

In other words, she can’t be too egotistical in her posts, which might be a little hard, seeing how that’s the entire point of social media for some people.

Meghan Markle Needs To Weigh The Pros And Cons Of Social Media

Boardman put it this way in an interview with the Daily Express, “Meghan should carefully weigh the pros and cons of returning to Instagram. Her presence on the platform can be beneficial, allowing her to relaunch her career and share her life and projects on her own terms. However, she should be mindful of potential pitfalls, especially regarding comments on her posts. If she shares content that could be perceived as cryptic, egotistical, or overly focused on her royal past, it might attract negative attention.”

He continued, “Meghan should maintain a clear purpose for her Instagram presence and remain selective about the content she shares, ensuring it aligns with her personal and professional goals although people will say she just wants to be famous and her haters will follow. So for Meghan, planning each post will be something that several people will need to decide to ensure the post, reel or story is the right one.”

AMP in the post

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King CharlesMeghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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  • Betty

    I believe she,will make snide,remarks about the Royal Family, especially about Kate( who she thinks. She apologize to her) but her and Lap Dog Harry are the,ones who should apologize to the RF.Needy Megan won t be able to stop herself from throw them under the bus with everything she says.

  • Susan

    I’m a Christian and so is OPRAH WINFREY and so should Meghan Marble get her heart into. ♥️

  • Vicky nelson

    Òh no I don’t want to read this or see it suit up maghan I for one don’t want to hear from you