Meghan Markle Will Never Be Accepted Back Into The Royal Family

This ship has sailed and there’s a good chance that it will never come back. There’s a new report that suggests Meghan Markle’s relationship with the royal family is beyond repair at this point.

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But one royal expert believes that the Duchess of Sussex might need more time to fix her feud with the royal family, should she ever want to spend another Christmas at Sadringham in the future. Here’s what you need to know.

Royal Family News – Meghan Markle Will Never Be Accepted Back Into The Royal Family

In an interview with The Mirror, relationship expert Louella Alderson believes that Meghan Markle has a long way to go if she’s ever going to stand in the same room with King Charles or even Prince William and Kate Middleton again.

Meghan Markle Will Never Be Accepted Back Into The Royal Family

That’s because the pain from their ongoing feud with the royals has gone way too deep. And a lot of people seem to be pointing their finger at Meghan Markle for all the trouble, too.

Alderson put it this way in her interview, “Meghan’s relationship with the Royals could be beyond repair for both sides to come together at any time in the near future, especially during the Christmas season.”

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Royal Family News – What’s Next For The Duchess Of Sussex?

She continued, “Christmas doesn’t feel like the right time for either party to try and reconcile or mend their relationship, as it feels like a lot of work and healing needs to be done to lay the groundwork for real progress can be made. It’s important for both parties to prioritise their emotional well-being and do what is best for themselves during this holiday season.”

So far Meghan Markle has not made any comments about the matter. But at the same time, she has made no indication that she would like to make up with her husband’s family memes, either. It’s certainly going to be a very long road to reconciliation if that ever even happens.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. Watch this space as we have a feeling there is so much more to come.

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Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals,  We’ve got you covered.

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King CharlesKing Charles Meghan MarkleMeghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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  • Marlene

    Harry remains royal by blood and Archie he should be accepted by the British for his mistake but not Meghan she will continue to to be what she is and Harry should think about his childrens place in the future if Harry feels bad about his mother’s story what about his story towards the king as a father Archie and Lilith what woul they think of Harry as a father

  • Betty Ohara

    I blame@me them both, but I believe Meganut instigated it when she realized she would never be the star attraction of the RF. I do agree the most anger is towards her and,she ‘ll never be accepted back into the RF or its subjects. Harry,has along way to go to prove he can be trusted. But for now. He only wants to return because his a failure in the US and if he was to go back he ‘ll only collect,more info to damage them again.

  • Betty


  • Ananda

    The both of them have failed at keeping the American people interested in them. They’re now like the gnats that keep flying at you & are nothing but annoying. Markle was never a star here as she was only on cable & never on the big TV stations. Hazbeen must have always been thought of as the mentally ill son & was never any big deal here. They’d be doing themselves a favor by shutting up & not trying to be the center of attention. At this point everything they do turns into a disaster & shows how stupid they really are!