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Meghan Markle Willing To Return To The UK But Just Under One Condition

Meghan Markle Willing To Return To The UK But Just Under One ConditionIt looks like she is slowly but surely changing her mind. There’s a new report that suggests Meghan Markle is willing to return to the UK, but just under one condition. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

As many royal fans and critics alike are probably aware of by now, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have reportedly been at odds over what to do with their living situation.

Royal Family News – Meghan Markle Willing To Return To The UK But Just Under One Condition

Apparently, Meghan wants to stay in California but it’s Prince Harry is longing to go back home to the UK after four short years in America.

It’s become such a problem that Meghan Markle has decided to compromise just because she doesn’t want to lose her family.

At least, that’s how royal author Tom Quinn puts it. In an interview with The Mirror, he said, “Meghan has said she’s only prepared to return to England if she and Harry have a place of their own and the security they both feel is essential.”

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Apparently, the Duchess of Sussex wants to avoid the royal family at all costs and even refuses to be in the same room as them.

“Meghan will never return to the UK and stay with her husband‘s relatives.”

Quinn continued, “If the couple manage to find a permanent home and sort out the security issue they will certainly want to bring their children to the UK but it’s going to take a lot of diplomacy to get to the point where Archie and Lili are able to develop a genuine and warm relationship with their cousins George, Charlotte and Louis.”

So far Meghan Markle herself has not made any comments about the matter although at this point it’s doubtful that anything will be said.

We will definitely update you with more on the matter once details come in.

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1 Comment
  1. noellastober says

    Her demandsw are so stupid if she really wants to come back to UK with these stipulations, then let her not come back again She has the gaul to make demands when all this bs happened to them because of her antics Harry wants to be home so he can get his money or what he thinks his money is so this is just a mess for both of them They are far from loyal and will go back to their anticcs rapidly if they get back in. These stripes they wear will not change, ever She cannot be trusted and neither can he

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